Getting into a fight at a bar is the epitome of dumb (Long article - sorry)

in #life5 years ago (edited)

I go to bars very frequently. My mother would probably argue that I go too frequently but in lieu of having a family and a traditional job it's either that or sit at home and watch Netflix with my dog and trust me, I already do plenty of that. I am a pub veteran you could say and it is a rather major part of my life.

However, I am one of those guys that does pretty well as far as "holding his booze' is concerned. I might get a little more animated and perhaps a bit loud at times, but I am very rarely an aggressive person. If anything I become nicer the more I have to drink, not the other way around.

However, I am also a near 200 pound, 6-foot tall guy who trains in Krav Maga and Muay Thai Boxing, so if the S**T hits the fan I can handle myself but I have never initiated any trouble. Unfortunately, trouble found me the other day.


Bar fights are rarely glamorous and all the ones I have been privy to have been over the dumbest crap and of course it was because people were drunk. The person that i got into a fight with (and you can't really call it that) was antagonizing everyone in the place, including at one point, a woman in a wheelchair. He was a real a-hole for sure. So you can imagine my delight when he decided to sit down next to me and the first thing he did was give me a hard slap on the back in kind of a bro "hello."

I told him don't do that and something adulty like "the way you are behaving towards everyone else in here, don't do that here" and "don't touch me dude" something along those lines.

bar fight.jpg

Seeing as how this guy was horribly drunk and was clearly trying to get under everyone's skin, I decided that I was just going to leave but the thing was that this guy had me blocked in, in a booth. I couldn't get out unless he let me.

Now this man, who was in his 40's and I later learned is married, has a management position, and has 2 kids, was trying to irritate me and everyone else in the bar. I'd had enough of his crap and physically removed him from my path as I exited the booth. He tried to take a swing at me, which i was prepared for and was ready to block but it turns out I didn't have to because this idiot was so drunk that the momentum of his own arm made him fall to the ground. He immediately scrambled to his feet, knocked over a few drinks and went after me. I just held his arms into place (I feel as though i am considerably stronger than him) and simply said "do you really want to do this?"

It only took 10 seconds or so before this guy's friends were on him, as was the owner of the bar, who apparently knows the guy and told him he had to leave. He tried to take a swing at me again (I had already backed up but was again ready for the strike) and he missed by a mile.

Thankfully, he left the bar right after that and didn't return. No one got hurt including him, even though you could make a very strong case for the fact that he probably deserved to be.


Anyway, i'll wrap this up but I want to go ahead and drive the point home that almost all fights are exceptionally dumb but this is especially true in a bar and here is why.

  • It is the pinnacle of typical if you get into a fight at a bar dont you think? I mean, do you really think that you are going to come out on top in this situation? Are you going to be a hero? Hell, I was completely in the right in my involvement in this past one and I feel a bit embarrassed about it.

  • Even though your fight will probably be broken up very quickly there is a fantastic chance that you are going to get hurt, even if you win. Take it from me: I have been in multiple fights in a ring, with safety gear and even when you win you get hurt.

  • There is a good chance that if you are drunk that the fight is over some dumb shit that doesn't matter at all anyway

  • The fun is over for everyone involved, especially the guy who starts it because someone is definitely getting kicked out

  • Although it is unlikely in this country - in other places you can go to jail and later need to go to court and perhaps have a criminal record and over what? Because you had too many lagers? I can think of much more fun that can be had if you are going to break laws

  • There is a fantastic chance that you are going to spill someone's drink. It might even be your own


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It doesn't happen that often, but I tend to be the friendlier sort as well when I have a few too many. I am happy to say I have never been in a fight and I hope to keep it that way because I doubt I would come out on the winning side of it. Although to quote the movie you showed here, "nobody wins a fight".

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