Faith The Greatest Propellant Of All Dreams And Achievements.

in #life7 years ago


So many times when I sit behind my computer to write to you, it is always with great joy and with hope that you relate with me and understand the messages behind my piece. I feel so happy and accomplished knowing that you are always there to read between every word I put down, yet I still feel that there are more words to describe what I feel right now as I write.

Right from the time I can remember who I am as a person, all I have ever derived pleasure in is offering help to people when they need it and being the shoulder where others can rest on.

I have not gotten to the height I want in life yet, but the little I have seen about life and how far you go all depend on the amount of faith you have in yourself. Like I noted earlier I am still on my journey to greatness and so is many of us here. Trust me I know the human in us is never satisfied no matter the height we have gotten, we just want to continue pushing our best limits.

Having faith in oneself is the greatest testimony every grounded successful person proclaims. So many people have dreams, emphatically big dreams but there is only one thing that crashes those dreams. It’s just the lack of faith in oneself.

There is a saying, ‘if your dreams do not scare you then you have not started dreaming.’ But my dear if after all those dreams you do not have faith to back them up… hmm then trust me you must be having the best hallucination session ever.

An example is when you want to do something or be something but at the first sight of it all seem impossible. The only way out is by telling yourself that you can achieve anything no matter the obstacle.

With faith in myself I know there is nothing I can not deal with either good or bad, that there is no pain I can not bear and that there are no heights I can not climb. The best competition is yourself because that is what keeps your focus on check. I mean, Competition with others in a sense makes us ordinary. It encourages imitation and, if we are not careful, makes us lose our essence.

I believe that competition lies within self as well because of the little experience I had while in school. My colleagues saw me as a threat, they were all focused at beating me academically but I was focus at beating the best in me. That was why I came out standing tall and above them. They expected that I would give up once I stand alone, but that motivated me even the more. It is easy to hide under people’s success, or enjoy other people’s achievements; it is easy to affiliate with other people’s greatness. But what about what you can do for yourself?

Quick flash back to those young days of mine when I was trying to find my bearing. I would go to my uncle’s house just to spend time, enjoy , maybe get some gifts and probably run from troubles of life or so I thought. But a good friend called me and told me bluntly to my face that I was only running and hiding under the success of my uncle and challenged me to have faith in myself and what I can achieve on my own. To find that which is missing in my life.

I took his advice and came back to my senses and I have started my own journey with the faith that I will get there. What about you... have you started your own journey too? If not, talk and listen to a good friend if it will help you find yours just like I did. Join me as we discover success together with the faith within us. With it there is nothing we can not do or achieve.

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Keep the faith alive… Be your best competition always… Stay motivated!

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You have a beautiful mind and a wonderful writing talent. Resteeming

Faith is really powerful and most people think it's just a word, expression or religious propaganda. When you're able to really use it and see what wonders are achieved, that even you'll be surprised at the outcome when telling the story. It becomes a part of you.

There is actually nothing impossible under the sun, your faith just has to be big enough!

Thank you for that wonderful comment @akinsource. It should really be applied in our every day life. Faith is more powerful than you think.

THis is an awesome post. wow...

Thank you so much.

Faith the virtue that drives you to success
I have learnt from these alot sir

Exactly, am glad you learnt something new. hahaha...Its a miss broda

that is a great post

Especially the last line is the most effective line for me :)

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