The key to happiness and the purpose of life is not in religions … it’s in this beautiful book !

in #life8 years ago

Hi steemers,

I've studied psychology during 8 years and I've never found answers to my biggest questions : “What is the meaning or purpose of life” and “how to find happiness” ( the real stuff, not the happiness that fades away a week after you get your new car or 3 years after living with your girlfriend )

I kept on looking for something that could bring me some peace because I felt usually stressed by life and my future full of unknows. My career as a professional poker player didn't help to feel relaxed. It wasn't enough stress so I started to dig into the cryptocurrencies world and invest a few bucks here and there. The volatility of these markets was adding more and more pressure to my everyday life.

Well, good news, I finally found the answer 6 months ago ! . It’s not gonna be as simple as a cooking recipe but it’s much more simple that you can imagine. It’s not a secret that once unveiled will make you happy directly but rather a revelation that will slowly transform you. Just like when the dentist remove the painful tooth, the pain remain but you already feel happy and things can only get better !

I found the answer in the book of Eckhart Tolle “The power of now”. You are probably starting to wonder “will I really keep reading this guy who says the deep answers of life are in a book ?” ... "If it would be true, everybody would speak about it !"
Well, feel free to click back and miss this opportunity … maybe you find a nice post to vote and you win 1$ ... If you continue in here, you will probably thank me in the future !

When Da Vinci painted Mona Lisa, I’m pretty sure the whole world didn’t realize at once the beauty and uniqueness of his masterpiece. It took time ! The same process will occur with this book. Probably faster that the Mona Lisa because of Internet but also slower because it’s a freaking book and not a painting you can look during a few minutes. Millions of copies of the book have been sold already … it’s a movement, it’s growing and it’s beautiful !

The content in the book is not new but it’s forgotten by mankind for thousands of years. You don’t know what is in it but I can guarantee you that when you will read it, everything will feel right, precisely what you needed to realise.

This book speaks about spirituality … NOT God, NOT religion ! Religions are a set of rules, distorted by time, transcriptions, translations and misinterpretation. Why would God want you to stop eating pork, go to church every Sunday (there are better things to do on Sundays) or in some extreme cases sacrifice animals, commit self-harm or kill the ones who don't beleive ? That's because antique societies used religion to structure the behavior of its citizen and modify what was originally deep thoughts about consciousness into a set of rules.

Spirituality is about consciousness ... but what is consciousness ?

Consciousness is what you can experiment when your mind shut up for a couple of seconds ... this is usually very rare. Do you ever felt this weird but intense sensation of peace and beauty when your mind shut up for 2 seconds when contemplating a surprisingly beautiful sunset ? It’s consciousness watching the sunset, not your stupid mind trying to fit everything in boxes (color of the sun, number of birds, how many minutes before it disappear, I’m angry, the rock beneath my ass is cold, I hope there are no nasty bugs there, what time is it ? …. THE NON STOPPING MIND).

Consciousness is also what make you aware of your thoughts beeing thoughts and not reality. When you sleep, consciousness doesn’t help you any more to dissociate and your thoughts become reality, it’s called a dream.

Consciousness is behind the mind who produces all kind of thoughts all day long in an exhausting rhythm. Consciousness is not a part of the realm of the mind, it’s behind, around or higher if you wish.

We live our lives in this tiny world of compulsive thoughts in our minds and never realize the beauty of this much bigger and peaceful place.

We've forgotten what is consciousness, what it can bring to us and the beauty of life when you reach an equilibrium between the world of thoughts and the consciousness of the present moment, the consciousness of simply being.

Isn't it very boring to be without thoughts ? From the mind perspective, yes, it's terribly boring. From the consciousness perspective, no, it's not. It's rather great to be able to feel this peace and deep joy coming from a place that you didn't know about and was there, in you, from the every beginning.

Sounds weird right ? It's not weird, it's rather new and scary for most of us. Our intellect tells us, "declare it's all bullshit" because it's much easier than open your mind.

Let’s explore another way to explain it. If you feel that something is missing in your life. If you feel that your past is bothering you or you are constantly waiting to get something to finally feel good, to feel whole, the answer is in this book. This is a product from your mind. Because you never took a step back from it and observed it from consciousness, you are lost in it and you have these sad emotions linked to your thoughts.
You know that person that seem to enjoy everything and is almost always happy (unless something really bad happens) ? You may have encounter one, maybe not, they are rare, very rare. Well, guess what ? They have read this book or they have learned what is in it in some other ways. Don't you want to be just like them and enjoy fully your life, every moment until the last one? Peaceful and happy ?

In the title, I spoke about the purpose of life. I won't even try to say a few words about it because it's a complicated theme. The author of the book explain it in a very understandable way, I couldn't summarize it in a few lines.

This book contains something so powerful that if the whole world would read it and understand its content, there would be no more wars, crimes, rapes, robberies, famine, extreme poverty, … in a matter of months.

The book never recommends you to do anything nor impose any idea. It simply explains something very deep, something you already know but you forget as the rest of mankind thousands of years ago.

Do yourself a favor and invest the time to read it. Open your mind and open the book.

The book was originally published in 1997 by Namaste Publishing in Vancouver. It was republished in 1999 by New World Library, and this edition reached and remained on the New York Times bestseller list for years afterwards. The book has been translated into 33 languages, including Arabic.

This is the wikipedia of the author :

This is the book :


The problem is not the religion , the real problem is people can't understand religions in the right way, going the church or pray or meditate is the same , make you subconscious mind stop thinking , usual people have between 60k and 70k thoughts per day it's huge, the mind need some seconds to relax, I think happiness, the real happiness exist inside us when we was babies and know any thing about this world we just loose it , sorry I can't write as good as you but I think you understand my idea

I think your writting is as good (or bad) as mine ;D (I speak french)

You are totally right ! Most of people jump in religion but don't understand it and are equally lost as the ones who don't beleive in anything.

Nowaday it's all about to beleive in something. The answer is not there. Most of the world biggest problems will be solved when we'll start to understand the very principle of this book. I'm sure other books may help equally but this one is just amazing.

lol french is my second language, english is the third one.
Votre article est superb mon frere, il doit avoir plus de reputation et une autre petite remarque ce livre peut etre vendu facilement pourquoi vous avez pas ajouter votre lien d'affialiation amazon

Parce que je ne voulais pas que ça ressemble à une tentative de ma part de vendre le bouquin. Je pense sincèrement que ce livre devrait être lu par le plus grand nombre et pourquoi pas par cette communauté en particlulier ;)

je rspect votre point de vu mon frere mais il y a plusieur facon d'ajouter votre lien d'affialiation sans meme etre appercu ,, il convert votre lien en amz.on/....

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 7.6 and reading ease of 74%. This puts the writing level on par with Tom Clancy and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

@glitterfart I love this book, it helped in a big way at certain point in my life. What Eckhart Tolle has managed to do is, simplify meditation with a very practical tool, the sounds of world around us. Great post.

It had a great effect on me and my life. I wanted to share it with everyone.
I'm a little disapointed to see so few interest but I accept it as it is ;)
Maybe I'll re post it one day if I feel I can get more attention ;)

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