
A moose sounds nasty. Bears are no fun. A deer could probably kick my ass. Skunks come equipped with pepper spray. There's a few rare wildcats; very rare. Coyotes. Big ones, big packs. They're usually quite timid though, when it comes to people. Mosquitoes. Billions of them.

Just so you know, I'm certain your usual creative approach to writing about life would fit in with the 'creativecoin' tag; 'palnet' as well. It's not always about the money either. These groups have helped me get more fresh new eyes on my work.

I would love to hear a moose. (I refuse to think they would sound nasty.) Those cute round noses - like a really big, sort of dangerous version of my dog...with weird horns and hooves. Well, basically nothing like my dog, but cute in a freakish sort of way. Bears though? Nope, never coming to your Canada.

I am so bad with all this inter-workings, politics stuff. I'm that person that very involved people call "part of the problem," because I want to ignore it all. Anyway, when I get a little downtime I will check it out. I was thinking creativecoin was more for artists, but if a writer can skate by then I will give it a go.

A moose is one of the most dangerous things you can run into, in the wild. When you're walking in these places you have to make a lot of noise, constantly, so these animals hear you, and move away. Startling a moose or a bear is how you get hurt.

Creative writing is included. Here's a post:

So in the nearly three years I've been here, I've had to deal with change. There was a time when I had gathered a lot of momentum, finally, after working my butt off for a long time. Anything I had gained went away practically overnight though once people started selling votes. So I had to deal with that. I never jumped on the vote buying bandwagon because I wasn't comfortable with stepping on and trampling the rankings of others and their work. I never sold votes because there were still people here who wanted eyes on their work and rewards for working.

Someone could buy votes for a meme, tag it 'art' or 'funny' and that would bury my art and funny work; work that took hours and sometimes days to produce. That nearly drove me away. That behavior did drive thousands away. They might never return.

So now with these 'tribes', there's an opportunity to go back in time, when people were excited to enjoy content. There's a ladder to climb again, instead of this lame push a few buttons, buy votes, reach the top of the mountain stuff. It gives everyone involved a chance at a fresh start. There's still no guarantees to earn or have eyes on the prize, but at least people are there to look again, rather than being paid to look away, and with people, over time, comes followers, eyes, and eventually, rewards. Right now, Steemit is missing those crucial elements, which is why so many struggle and receive so little engagement.

So, rather than taking these new rewards and cashing out, I'm staking everything so I can help build these communities with the hopes they can eventually reach their full potential. I don't even know how all of this will turn out but I do see it as an opportunity to right a few of the wrongs and get things back on track.

Right now I am playing hide-and-seek with the toddler's My Little Ponies. It is a strange game where all the humans actually know where the ponies are...but we pretend we don't. So excuse any strange typos, etc.

That link was very helpful, thank you. I would love to find a group of people that work life over in words, and I've found a few, but maybe this could help me find a few more and vice versa.

In a way it must be nice to have been around through all the change, so that you can look back on it all like a survivor. I hope you are right that the tribes have people that actually want to see content.

Life is so interesting, even the electronic version of life. I recall when I first came here I was following this lady who did posts on gardening. I don't even remember her name anymore, I unfollowed her so long ago. Anyway, the last thing I read of hers was something about how she wanted to avoid talking to anyone below dolphin status, but unfortunately other lower creatures just kept slithering around her. Lol. It is interesting how us humans like to organize ourselves into hierarchies even in the virtual world, and then all scramble to reach the top. Well, not all. I'd love to meet more that are unscrambled.

Anyway, thanks for the help. I will look into it.

Well, I hope this works out for you, eventually. I'm kind of monitoring today's progress with your recent post. I gave it a healthy dose of CCC and your post was near the top of the 'hot' list. I guess it's just a waiting game now. But I want to know if it's actually going to help and if people are actually looking. Steemit does have a shortage of curators so these tribes will only inherit that shortage until things get busy again. I hope at least some people look. Small victories lead to bigger ones.

And screw those people who turn their noses up to those who they think are under them. That makes someone LOW by default. That's the fake who rents the Corvette for the weekend, then drives it like they own it.

Wow, I'm not used to seeing that many digits next to any of my posts. Thank you, I like being your experiment. Lol.

I am number 6th down from the top on hot still - that's fancy. I kind of feel like taking a screenshot. And a curie too - what a night. Well, there looks like a few new voters, and one follower, assuming none of them are related to the curie. I don't know that we can call it a success story from creativecoin, but a few is better than none. I will see next time I suppose.

Now I wait for the same people that follow curies around to leave me fluff comments. It is usually three or four of them. They are my fair weather friends. :)

Ha, the corvette renter. That's a good example. I saw a guy driving around in a Maserati yesterday and I had my doubts.

So with the PAL, half goes to curators. CCC, 40% goes to curators. Looks like you got nearly three pal before deductions, and those are worth about a dime each, for now. Looks like you got nearly 300 CCC before deductions and those are only worth about a penny, for now. And I'm jealous of the curie vote ... LOL! That's like 40 STEEM. These low values are how most of us built up our accounts so quickly in the early days. That's kind of why I've been so busy. It's a good time to post. Pay yourself a bit later if the value goes up, so you don't drain the account.

So you'll have to learn how to use at some point. No rush though because you can still gather and stake rewards using your and

It looks like you have 1000 CCC. Should probably stake that, then on about Aug.3 you'll get some more. If you sell it or neglect to stake it, you won't get the second air drop.

I'll be honest though. I have no idea if these tokens will be worth anything substantial in the future. There's no real way of knowing, but since they were free, I just collect them, stake them (which is just like powering up STEEM), then I get more curation rewards, bigger votes to give out (and for me), and it was all a free bonus anyway so it's not like I'm out any money, though I did buy some by transferring STEEM to Steem Engine. I feel the CCC will be quite popular since the 'art' tag was once the most popular. People also like entertainment. I guess we'll see how it goes but I don't tell people what to do with their money, I just try to teach them how to collect more.

I am clueless about this stuff, so I appreciate the help. This has always been a bit like Monopoly money to me, and it has been easy to perceive it that way since my account has never had much value. I am just a stay-at-home-mom and therefore not the breadwinner, so I have nothing to invest but my time as a creative writing project. I'm looking to grow my writing, and having more eyes actually read it certainly helps that. But everybody likes Monopoly, and real money when it comes to fruition ;)

I will check out your links and figure this stuff out. I'm watching the chickens in the yard chase bugs, the children are playing cars inside, and I am here playing with my new virtual toys :)

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