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RE: Da Gym

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Perhaps you should skip the change room.

Change into your workout gear to display the guns to the good lady.

Proceed to the gym, through the turnstiles, then directly to the weight.

Once you are good and sweaty. With an odour that would make the tile peel off of a urinal, return to the good lady.

I am rather sure that the pheromones will drive her into a a tizzy. Then, in about 9 months, there will be another boom.

Just saying....


Ha! I think you're onto something there! If the pheromones don't drive her into a tizzy Boom can tell her, sorry, there are no showers at this budget gym.

That might work, next thing you know I will be back at swanky towers with its free fluffy towels!

No more booms!! No more!!

I did have a fair old giggle at your comment :0D

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