The universal laws explained part 2- The Law of Correspondence

in #life8 years ago

If you missed the first post of this seven part series, please click here.


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What is the law of correspondence?

The Law of correspondence is an immutable law- Immutable means that it is impossible to change.  

The Law of Correspondence states that the quality of your life experience corresponds directly with the quality of your thoughts. This directly means that the beliefs you hold consciously or sub-consciously create your life. 

This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, Light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the universe. "As above, so below." 

How does the law of correspondence work in your daily life? 

Have you ever heard the expression that our outer world is a direct reflection of your inner world? What is inside of us, reflects on the outside.  

Do you really know yourself? What inner fears do you have that is reflecting on the outside?  Everything that we think or feel is a direct response to our thoughts.  If we keep on having negative thoughts then this will reflect in our daily lives.  We will be unhappy, because negative thoughts attract unhappiness.  

To become a self-fulfilled and happy person, it is important to look within yourself first.  Whatever you change on the inside, will definitely reflect on the outside.  If you change your thoughts, your beliefs and the way that you think about certain things in life, then it will surely reflect on the outside.  

Let us go do some self examination!

In the first law, the law of mentalism it clearly states that we are a direct result from our thoughts.  We are what we think, but these thoughts must have an origin.  

Why do you think the way that you think?  Thoughts don't just fall from the sky.... behind every thought there is a reason why you had that specific thought.  

Whatever your thoughts may be at any specific time, dig a little deeper.... I am not talking about silly things, I am talking about deep deep thoughts that are buried inside somewhere. 

Make a list of questions that you can ask yourself.  Once you have the right question, now, find the right answer.  The main aim is to find a reason behind the thoughts.  Why do you have these thoughts?


Get to know yourself.  You will be surprised what can come out if you actually write down these answers.  This is a road to self healing.  

A song from Michael Jackson makes me think about the law of correspondence:


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Know thyself and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe.....

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