Bean, Pasta & Chicken Soup: the Final Soup Recipe this Year within my 'Recipes in Images' Portfolio.

in #life7 years ago

This soup is more like a stew really, but lets pretend its a soup!  It is absolutely delicious and I love it.  

This will be the last of my winter soup recipes for now.  There will be more in the autumn when 'hearty' soups are needed.  

Bean, Pasta and Chicken Soup

You have to begin this soup the day before by reconstituting the dried beans.  I use whatever beans I have available, in this case - chickpeas and kidney beans.

Remember the tip of adding a teaspoon of baking powder to the boiling water you reconstitute the beans with?  Do it, it is a great tip which really works; you reduce the beans cooking time by half! 

The beans cook at different times so I always soak  and cook them separately.  Make sure you rinse them very well before you cook them; you don't want the slightly 'soapy' aftertaste in your soup from the Baking Soda through not rinsing the beans sufficiently.

The next day, when the beans have reconstituted, put in separate pans, cover with cold water, and simmer until soft. When soft, strain and put to one side for later.

Make sure you have some good chicken stock to make this soup with.  If you followed my post on 'roasting a chicken', you will have really fantastic stock to make this soup with.

Dice up which ever vegetables you want to use in your soup.  Make sure they are of an even size about the same as the beans.

It does not matter which vegetables go into this soup.  However, you must use: garlic, onion, celery, carrot and leek - the base of all my soups.  I always add chilli to taste and fresh grated ginger, as I love the warmth they bring to this soup.

Put into your soup pan with a little olive oil and sweat the vegetables a little to begin the cooking process.

If there is a little layer of fat on top of your stock, scrape that off into your soup pan instead of olive oil.  It will enhance the chicken flavour somewhat - not that it needs it.

Plonk in your very jellied stock, and allow to melt.  Top your pan up with boiling water from the kettle.  

Don't forget to scrape out your 'jellied stock' bowl fully, you musn't leave any of that scrumptious chicken essence behind.

Cook until your vegetables soften.  Add seasoning to taste at this point.

Add your cooked beans  


and dried pasta shells.

If you can get them, the very small pasta shells go particularly well in this soup.  Put as many in as you wish,  The more you put in, the 'heartier' this soup will be.  I love pasta so put quite a bit in - about 6 good handfulls.  You just put in what you like.

Cook until the pasta is soft, and the beans have absorbed a little of the stock.

Re-check the seasoning once the pasta is cooked.   Top up with more boiling water if you do not want your soup to be so thick you can stand your spoon up in it!

Pasta does require quite a bit of salt or everything tastes insipid.

Once everything in the soup is cooked and  the seasoning checked and satisfactory, add as much shredded chicken as you want to.  

Stir in carefully and your soup is ready to eat.

Just allow the chicken to warm through as it is already cooked.  If you over stir once cooked chicken is added, it will disintegrate into threads....ugh!  If you followed my post on Roast Chicken, you will have plenty of bits of cooked chicken to add to this soup.

This is really my favourite soup.  I love it on a cold winter's evening with big chunks of good bread well buttered - I like my butter!

The next posts - I think I will start developing Tapas Recipes for you.......lovely food, well I am in Spain; or I might play around with someone else's dish which catches my eye!

Until the next time

Adios Amigos, from 'sunny' Spain. X


Thank you very much for your kind comments. X

I initially refrained from responding to the accusations in this post, because I don't believe in pandering to bullies. Make no mistake, this woman is a bully.

Do not believe everything that she writes as she is a liar and a con artist. She makes baseless accusations in public forums without proof to back up them up.

Here is a link to the billable hours that we've put in since March 2017:

Thank you. Do not use this site as it has been stolen by @jennswall @finleyexp ! If I get it back I will contact you. Previous support most appreciated. A friend is posting this for me. X

@food-trail The @get-baking account is being held in lieu of payment for services rendered from March 2017 to present. The outstanding debt falls just under 4000 euros.

I do not make it a policy to speak against others. I had continued to help this person even after the initial slander was introduced to the community of Steemit, but in this case I feel the need to defend these accusations with the proof that I have at hand.

Here is the link to the outstanding bill:

Absolute joke. These two recon I have asked them to do work of 5,500 Euros in 3 months. Not likely when I needed every penny to buy my house. I even sold my Audi Q7 car to do this. I am also an ex Applied Computer Science teacher and Head of Department. Why would I pay them to do this amount of work on Steemit development? I can and have done it myself. It really is so pathetic just to try and scare me into not persuing the fraud committed against myself which I am involving the police here in Spain. A full history will be my first post on my new site. I will forward it to all my followers. Please view this pathetic attempt to explain their actions. My replies below might interest you. . X

I can almost smell it @get-baking!

Thank you so much. You should try it, a lovely soup. X

Thank you. Do not use this site as it has been stolen by @jennswall @finleyexp ! If I get it back I will contact you. Previous support most appreciated. A friend is posting this for me. X

I initially refrained from responding to the accusations in this post, because I don't believe in pandering to bullies. Make no mistake, this woman is a bully.

Do not believe everything that she writes as she is a liar and a con artist. She makes baseless accusations in public forums without proof to back up them up.

Here is a link to the billable hours that we've put in since March 2017:

Absolute joke. These two recon I have asked them to do work of 5,500 Euros in 3 months. Not likely when I needed every penny to buy my house. I even sold my Audi Q7 car to do this. I am also an ex Applied Computer Science teacher and Head of Department. Why would I pay them to do this amount of work on Steemit development? I can and have done it myself. It really is so pathetic just to try and scare me into not persuing the fraud committed against myself which I am involving the police here in Spain. A full history will be my first post on my new site. I will forward it to all my followers. Please view this pathetic attempt to explain their actions. My replies below might interest you. . X

Your dish looks so fresh and delicious! I'm sure the leeks really set it off nicely! Yummy food! :)

Just followed you

Thank you for your kind comments. Real old fashioned comfort food. X

You're welcome! That's what a lot of folks have come to enjoy!

I know I do. Thank you again for your support. X

You are most welcome! :)

Thank you. Do not use this site as it has been stolen by @jennswall @finleyexp ! If I get it back I will contact you. Previous support most appreciated. A friend is posting this for me. X

Sorry to hear about that and hopefully you will get everything resolved.

I initially refrained from responding to the accusations in this post, because I don't believe in pandering to bullies. Make no mistake, this woman is a bully.

Do not believe everything that she writes as she is a liar and a con artist. She makes baseless accusations in public forums without proof to back up them up.

Here is a link to the billable hours that we've put in since March 2017:

@breakingtonight The @get-baking account is being held in lieu of payment for services rendered from March 2017 to present. The outstanding debt falls just under 4000 euros.

I do not make it a policy to speak against others. I had continued to help this person even after the initial slander was introduced to the community of Steemit, but in this case I feel the need to defend these accusations with the proof that I have at hand.

Please see the link in @finleyexp's comment to view the dates and hours we worked.

Absolute joke. These two recon I have asked them to do work of 5,500 Euros in 3 months. Not likely when I needed every penny to buy my house. I even sold my Audi Q7 car to do this. I am also an ex Applied Computer Science teacher and Head of Department. Why would I pay them to do this amount of work on Steemit development? I can and have done it myself. It really is so pathetic just to try and scare me into not persuing the fraud committed against myself which I am involving the police here in Spain. A full history will be my first post on my new site. I will forward it to all my followers. Please view this pathetic attempt to explain their actions. My replies below might interest you. . X

Do you have or discord to be reached upon?

Thanks for your interest. I am on discord but don't know how to communicate with others, ie, when online, etc. Happy to communicate though as love passing on information and assistance. Sorry late in replying as only just got back from sorting things - a blog of my nightmare fortnight to follow. X

How about username?

Leave it with me and I will definitely get back to you. X

My favorite thing in the world is soup! It has to be homemade thanks for the recipe!

You are quite welcome. A really delicious soup. Use chorizo as a base meat and instead of chicken stock, add tomatoes. It adds a whole new dimension to the soup. Sorry late in replying as only just got back from sorting things - a blog of my nightmare fortnight to follow. X

Thank you.. I'm sorry to hear you've been through a nightmare I hope everything has passed

Thank you for your comments. Unfortunately, I made a gaff when writing an update on my gremlins post, and issues around my house purchase in Spain, car purchase, etc. I don't know what I did but I posted after only the first sentence! I have just completed the whole post now. It might amuse you. Part 2 of my issues will post tomorrow, X


Thank you for your reply, love the emoticons! X

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