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RE: Ramblings With Ron: Origin Of The Bowie Knife Salute

in #life7 years ago

The pirate exclamation in closing made me smile, and do I ever need it. I probably should have listened to you and pretty much everyone else in my realm, as I am now in bed convalescing from a myriad of exhaustion related ailments. The added bonus fever is especially awesome! Sigh. Well at least I am resting now, right?

Hope the kitty flea treatment field trip went well!


So very sorry to hear you are down and out. The ways of life can definately weigh us down. And aren't' those fevers just a hoot?!! Just had one a few weeks ago, which you no-doubt know, because I couldn't help myself to not write all about them. But it had been quite awhile , and I forgot how much FUN they are. Dr. Double D's advice?...."Drink lot's of fluids, bedrest, and watch lots of humour TV." And make the family wait on you head and foot. You can tell them I said that.
Well, I hope you are soon back on your feet, and doing the GK things once more we all have come to love and appreciate on a daily basis. (Though we can't always keep up on said-same basis.)
Take care, and get wellest soon.
Yours in the Steemboat, dd

Good morning dd! Your well wishes and good advice have helped, I am happy to report that I am now in the upright position! I'm just thinking that I had to have a sympathy fever, you know, friends do that stuff right, lol? My ailing situation is unfortunately slightly more complex, for it's as my mother admonished me the other day: "Katherine, why do you have to do forty-two things at once?"

Because I can!

There were some bonuses to being completely stationary. I got to hang out with a bunch of my cats all day, and as I couldn't sit up without blacking out, I was able to watch a TON of British murder mysteries on Netflix. Always a silver lining! Yay!

As I type, I am mainlining my special coffee in hopes that I perk up enough for my delivery today of a ton of hog food and all of the supplies for our soon to built outdoor oven. Hope you are doing something sublime today!

I've already filled your inbox with 'stuff', so will REALLY keep this one short. Glad to hear you are back to 'normal'. Don't overdo the hog food and oven stuff...said with my best nagging voice. And that is the reason I sometimes, secretly, but hope it doesn't really come true, wish I were sick, so I can lay about and watch endless TV for hours and hours and hours, eat countless crackers, and not feel guilty about it. Please don't tell anyone I said that...

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