Ramblings With Ron: Origin Of The Bowie Knife Salute

in #life7 years ago

Drywall Holes, Bush Pilot Knife Selfies, and Banana Blasphemy

There's enough banana-ammo here for a fit of epic proportions!

For those of you that haven't read a Ron Rambling before, let me begin with a little backstory. My father is a bullbuck in a freshly constructed logging camp on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. A bullbuck is the manager of all the timber fallers in a logging camp. Basically Dad is in charge of a bunch of people not known for their consistent natures. Tonight's conversation with my Pa really illustrated the type of behavioral scenario that was not that uncommon in the places that I grew up in.

Mom recently mailed Dad a cell phone that would work in camp, for it has been radio silence around here in the conversation department as my Dad's Verizon phone wouldn't work on the wilderness side of the island. His new AT&T phone works well, this I can report, for we are back to our almost daily chats. Dad started off our Mother's Day visit with:

"I just wanted to call my mom and wish her a Happy Mother's Day," Dad sighed into the phone and quickly added, "There was a Bowie knife pulled on me today."

"That's nice, Dad," I replied with polite and thinly veiled curiosity, "Do continue."

"Well," he started his tale, "It all began with F threatening D's girlfriend in the cookhouse."

Apparently D hadn't taken kindly to his lady friend being verbally assaulted and had provoked an altercation in front of the cookhouse in her honor. The end result of that interaction was D ending up with a tooth missing from his dentures and an almost broken jaw. My interest was piqued, yet I wasn't overly shocked, as this kind of scene is unfortunately common in logging camps.

Dad continued, "Then we found out that F was out driving the brand new log shovel until ten o'clock last night and damaged it."

Well, at this point I figured ol' F was definitely fired, and that fact was indeed relayed as the next item in our conversation. What I didn't expect is what F did after his firing commenced.

Dad began laughing and said, "He went into the Roaming Gnome's room and wiped it clean (swiped everything off of every shelf), and get this, Sis! He had a banana and threw it on the floor and stomped it into the carpet!"

At this point in the story, that bit of banana buffoonery was so unexpected that I burst into a series of guffaws that had the contagious laughter effect on my family. I was laughing so hard at the visual image of a grown man squishing a banana into the carpet of a man that he didn't even bunk with, that I might have cried a bit.

This was the first thing that popped into my mind as I pondered the banana-smashing scene.

"Dad! What does that even mean?" I gasped when I could somewhat breathe again, "How is squished tropical fruit an insult, or is it some sort of code?"

Dad was really cracking up now, and choked out, "It gets better."

How could it get better than banana squishing was beyond me, but then dad spit out,

"Next was the Bowie knife."

"What?" I choked in reply.

"I was walking with him to the office to get his check when the guy pulls out a fourteen inch knife and told me, 'I ain't postal, Ron.'" Dad replied.

"Um...What?" I queried in return.

"I don't know, but I calmly told him that was good and took the bar wrench out of my pocket." Dad delivered this unsettling bit of the tale with a bit more seriousness.

"As I stood on the office porch waiting for him to get his check I heard this bit of noise coming from the office and didn't think anything of it, but then I checked and that guy had punched a hole in the brand new drywall just above the office lady's head." Dad spoke this line with a bit of disbelief.

At this point of the tale, aside from randomly chuckling about the banana thing, I was starting to get more and more horrified at the absurdity of it all. The whole thing sounded like a complete psychotic break. Dad went on:

"Well, we got a plane for him, fast, so we could get him out of camp, and a short while later the office lady got a text from the pilot. It was a selfie."

"What? While he was flying with the messed up guy?" I pleaded for data.

"Yep," Dad responded, "The pilot sent a picture of himself holding the Bowie knife, F had pulled it on the pilot and the air flight artist took it from him and sent us an in flight selfie with the knife in his hand."

Okay, this is not a Bowie knife, it is the bayonet off of our M1 Garand, but it was the biggest knife I could find!

The absurdity of the entire situation really struck me, and both Dad and I started laughing so hard that we couldn't talk for a bit. In reality, the whole scenario was quite sad and somewhat dangerous for the camp's inhabitants. When I think about Dad having a knife pulled on him by someone who clearly needed help, the whole idea is a bit disconcerting, but then again we have lived out our lives frequently experiencing situations like the above described one.

"You know what the worst part is now though, Sis?" Dad stated as we were getting ready to hang up for the night.

"What's that, Dad?" I replied.

"Every time I walk by any guy in camp, they pull out their pocket knives and raise them in salute." he chuckled in mock offense.

I guess I should be happy that they weren't smashing bananas into the ground as he walked by.

It is important to note that I am not mocking the severity of the poor F's behavior. The whole situation was disturbing and uncomfortable for everyone involved. In my family we use humor to help us process and come down from intense situations. Laughing at the absurd bits helps us to decompress a bit after going through trauma. In the end I am glad that no one was too seriously injured, and I hope that F finds some peace, or at least switches his fit throwing arsenal solely to bananas instead of a Bowie knife.

And as always, unless otherwise cited, all of the images in this post were taken by the author on her not on the ground iPhone.


''Every time I walk by any guy in camp, they pull out their pocket knives and raise them in salute." he chuckled in mock offense.

I guess I should be happy that they weren't smashing bananas into the ground as he walked by....

Your stories are always enjoyable to read @generikat, and this one reached another level. Thank you for the extraordinary laughs! 😄

Oh thank you @lydon.sipe! The whole tale was just so absurd, but that banana bit just slayed me! I'm so glad you got a kick out of it!!!

I didn't know how to react at first! There is probably a new meme or two to be created now.

Ha ha! YASSSSS! I've been thinking that there might be a gif or two that needs to happen too. LOL, you never go full banana!!!

Oh, I want to see that! Stomping Bananas sounds like a band rebranding. 😏

Despite all my rage, I still lost a knife fight in a plane...

But isn't that 3 Doors Down instead of Smashing Pumpkins?

It is, didn't even think about using a Smashing Pumpkins picture. :)

So you thought of "Stomping Bananas" but didn't make the leap to "Smashing Pumpkins"?

No! It was the Pumpkins, and thanks a lot for the new and improved ear worm!!!!!!

Song reference was Pumpkins. Photo to which I responded was 3 Doors Down.


Wow, am I behind on here. So...how is life? Loved this story. Think your Dad has the most exciting life of anyone I've ever met. Maybe a bit TOO exciting at times. So nice you get to chat and laugh with him so often. Very special times. Plus, you get more humor endorphins than the average bear.

I do feel for poor F. Life can be hard for some folks. But on the bright side, I have now learned a new banana dance when I'm mad at someone. Thanks for that little tidbit of revenge and other-person comeuppance. Shag carpeting would be the worst. Well, hope all is well in your corner of the country, and you have a nice night. Might be over already, if you're smart. Ta' for now.

Ah, you are not behind, you are exactly where you are supposed to be, right?! I tell myself that phrase all of the time, especially when I am behind, lol, which is always it seems.

Ooh, that was a ramble and a half there, so sorry! My brain is a bit taxed at the moment, but that might be because I am staring not only at my cat, whom is named Banana, but also a bunch of the stress-reducing/inducin fruit. Maybe I'll just go stomp a few into the carpet just because I can. Ah, fruit therapy. Perhaps I'll write a book on the subject. Feeling angsty, drop kick a mango to the moon!

Okay, enough silliness. Dad is an interesting specimen. Very, very extroverted. He has almost died multiple times, has had more adventures that ten people, knows almost everybody on the planet it seems, and once, while waiting at the airport, offered Erik Estrada a logging job just to mess with him. He really is a clown, and my mother is a complete saint for being married to him for 36 years!

Dang, it just occurred to me that I don't have shag carpet. I might grab that bunch of bananas and head to Grandma's house. Hope you are having a lovely day! 😊

Doing the nanner dance is just not the same without the 6" shag. That should keep granny happy..... Though the MangoMoon might be even more relief.
Glad to hear from you on your busy busy day. This'll be short, as I need to get a post out, before hauling all the kitties to the vet for flea treatment. Life is never dull (though compared to your pops, it's pretty much in reverse). Your mom must be a character as well, to live and enjoy all the antics of the sometimes absent household. Maybe that's a secret we all can live by?? Hmmm...
Classic he offered Eric Estrada a job. Bet that did send him for a loop. "Who IS this man?".
Well, I'm off, plus have to go... O:
Take care, and don't work too hard at all the things of life. Have to take a breath and just sit in the barkolounger now and then and stare at nothing, doing nothing but watching the walls stay in place and move kitty over now and then to pick cat hair from your black woolen slacks. Good for the mental soul. Well, have a nice day, and talk to you once more and again soon.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was a short post...yaaarrrg.

The pirate exclamation in closing made me smile, and do I ever need it. I probably should have listened to you and pretty much everyone else in my realm, as I am now in bed convalescing from a myriad of exhaustion related ailments. The added bonus fever is especially awesome! Sigh. Well at least I am resting now, right?

Hope the kitty flea treatment field trip went well!

So very sorry to hear you are down and out. The ways of life can definately weigh us down. And aren't' those fevers just a hoot?!! Just had one a few weeks ago, which you no-doubt know, because I couldn't help myself to not write all about them. But it had been quite awhile , and I forgot how much FUN they are. Dr. Double D's advice?...."Drink lot's of fluids, bedrest, and watch lots of humour TV." And make the family wait on you head and foot. You can tell them I said that.
Well, I hope you are soon back on your feet, and doing the GK things once more we all have come to love and appreciate on a daily basis. (Though we can't always keep up on said-same basis.)
Take care, and get wellest soon.
Yours in the Steemboat, dd

Good morning dd! Your well wishes and good advice have helped, I am happy to report that I am now in the upright position! I'm just thinking that I had to have a sympathy fever, you know, friends do that stuff right, lol? My ailing situation is unfortunately slightly more complex, for it's as my mother admonished me the other day: "Katherine, why do you have to do forty-two things at once?"

Because I can!

There were some bonuses to being completely stationary. I got to hang out with a bunch of my cats all day, and as I couldn't sit up without blacking out, I was able to watch a TON of British murder mysteries on Netflix. Always a silver lining! Yay!

As I type, I am mainlining my special coffee in hopes that I perk up enough for my delivery today of a ton of hog food and all of the supplies for our soon to built outdoor oven. Hope you are doing something sublime today!

I've already filled your inbox with 'stuff', so will REALLY keep this one short. Glad to hear you are back to 'normal'. Don't overdo the hog food and oven stuff...said with my best nagging voice. And that is the reason I sometimes, secretly, but hope it doesn't really come true, wish I were sick, so I can lay about and watch endless TV for hours and hours and hours, eat countless crackers, and not feel guilty about it. Please don't tell anyone I said that...

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