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RE: Things Librarians Hear: Super Glue Edition

in #life8 years ago

I was indeed fully engaged in my librarian activities, and while I would have loved to have been bedecked in traditional librarian finery, my clothing decor was more of the lace shirt, blue jeans, and cowboy boot variety, lol!

There were many amazing surprises today, my friend and delightful commenter @creatr, for I had to deal with a drunken patron, an abandoned child, and a snowstorm of epic proportions. I did give a clover plant a haircut as I built a garden book display and engaged in some book surgery however, so the delightful aspect of my day was fulfilled!

Have I told you how much I love your comments? They totally make my day!!! Your keyboard skills are unparalleled and hope that you had a pleasant evening!


I'm out of my depth here (literally; we've run out of comment depth, so I've fallen back to being more shallow... ;) So, in that vein...

Where's your pioneer spirit? Can't let little things like ice storms and power outages cramp your style, now, can you?

I was never much for ag when I was growing up. Oh, that I could go back and dummy up, and learn a thing or two from my green-thumbed German-Hungarian grandmother about how to grow things! One of these days I imagine myself doing some experimenting with aeroponics... I hope I don't have to learn it all the hard way when the trucks stop rolling and the family gets hungry...

Well, the first installment of my two-part story has been up almost half a day now... and the conclusion will be posted soon!

"My Little Margie" - A Theological Fantasy, Part I

Written under one of my pen names... Cool concept, that! A "nom de plume." ;) But you librarians would know all about that gimmick, wouldn't you? :D

Good evening, my dear, you are indeed too kind! :) That my comments please you, I find immensely cheering.

I am glad that you had a good day, and quite thankfully surprised to learn of the lovely variety of delights that attended your shift at the library. Epic snowstorms, Oh my! Thanks so much for sharing!

My evening has also been pleasant, thank you. A little dinner, courtesy of my wife's home cooking; a little science fiction television watching with my son - "Timeless," a surprisingly good contemporary series; and a little more musing about how to successfully complete a story that I'm writing in response to @michelle-gent's Fiction-Trail Writing Competition challenge.

Take care, @generikat, and please keep your tales of good times at the library coming! ;)

Wow, it took me an entire day to get back here to reply! There might have been an ice storm and a power outage that had something to do with that.

Seriously looking forward to reading your story for the challenge, and I will endeavor to persevere regarding the telling of tales!

Hope this evening with your family was as pleasant as last night's, I enjoyed a full evening of 4H meetings with mine, lol!

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