Agriculture, your part in creation!!!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Happy Weekend Darlings 😘😘😘


It is that part of the week I love so much. It is that time where I get to flaunt being African. I am Nigerian, I am a proud African. I am a beautiful woman, endowed with so much beauty and I am bold at heart.

Curating for @wafrica is something I love doing. Having to read great contents that come from Africa is one that gives me joy. I work with an amazing set of curators and I am grateful our paths crossed. Big Shout out to you all, @surfyogi, @gloglo, @chiama, @prettyjules158, @nmalove, @jeaniepearl, @lordjames, @kofpato, @steemgh, @mcsamm.

In the video, I talked about Agriculture.

Agriculture is something Africa is blessed with and known for. Agriculture is God's second gift to man to play a role in creation. The other role he gave us in creation is Reproduction.

Our creator could have taken charge of everything that grows on the earth's surface. He could have decided to leave us out of Agriculture but He gave us this opportunity to take part in creation.

Is it not beautiful how you plant a seed and nurture it only to see it blossom into a tree? How do you feel afterwards? Like a mini god right? This isn't a bad feeling at all.

Agriculture is God's gift to us and we must at all time use this gift well. You might be wondering how.

You don't necessarily have to be a farmer to ensure that Agriculture strives. You just need a willing heart ready to support as many potential farmers you see. Do not discourage them but give them the push if you see the potential in them. If you have the funds to support them financially, do it. If you have enough, invest in Agriculture. And if you have a passion for Agriculture, go for it.

People will never stop eating, neither will they stop clothing themselves nor living in houses. All these finished products are products whose raw materials are from Agriculture. Africans encourage Agriculture, it might be the next OIL we never knew we had.

@Wafrica is an account created for Africa, made for Africans and will grow with Africans. It rewards quality content coming from Africa. Follow @wafrica, add it to your tag and make quality content to get an upvote from @wafrica.

Thanks for Reading.

I am @gee1, I want to make people feel so much love. I hope that soon enough I will be able to reach more people. I hope soon enough the worth of my upvote on people's post will be enough for them to buy a meal**.


@wafrica all the way. Thank you so much @gee1 for this. Our president in Nigeria actually told us all to go farming, but many people mis-interpreted it to suffering. This is nature and God himself has blessed us with it.

When God said be fruitful and multiply, he wasn't only referring to giving birth to children. He gave us so many natural resources and telling us to be fruitful means we should work with what he has given us. We shouldnt be idle at any point in time.

We should also note that nature is really beautiful and profitable. Thank you

When God said be fruitful and multiply, he wasn't only referring to giving birth to children. He gave us so many natural resources and telling us to be fruitful means we should work with what he has given us. We shouldnt benidle at any point in time.

He wasn't only talking children he also meant using our natural resources.

I understand your point perfectly well and you are obviously right, quoting the President but what i have ask in regards to the meaning i read in your comment contribution, knowing that God has given us agriculture not as suffering, would you accept quitting not just steemit but every other digital life and work experience to go back to farming and agriculture in real life?@oredebby

No one asked you to quit your job to go farming. Wisdom is profitable to direct

There's actually a lot in agriculture. No matter how vast our technological advance is, man must still eat food. I do invest heavily in agriculture and plans to still invest more.

I love this @glee1.

In the Nigerian flag you'll always find the green and white color. The green color therein signify agriculture which God Himself started at Eden.

You see why Nigeria is a blessed land and Africa a blessed continent?

Am among the few persons waiting for the time your upvote will buy me not just any meal but a nice meal.

I am @nkereuwem

Every living person has the responsibility to plant a seed
Aside food. Agriculture helps us with some harmful organs in the air. Its importance can not be overemphasized

I love this @glee1.

In the Nigerian flag you'll always find the green and white color. The green color therein signify agriculture which God Himself started at Eden.

You see why Nigeria is a blessed land and Africa a blessed continent?

Am among the few persons waiting for the time your upvote will buy me not just any meal but a nice meal.

I am @nkereuwem

Going to agriculture is good to ensure the availability of food as means to sustain life but truth be told, its not a sure way to a good life.
I know agriculture comes in diverse forms which includes real land cultivation farming, livestock farming and other forms that is commonly practiced, agriculture to a farmer can provide 3square meal a day to an average good farmer but not the luxury life that everyone would want to live.

Africa has over 60% of the arable lands in the entire world, I wonder why its population is still finding it hard to see that agriculture is the new crude oil..! is it possible that one might be sitting on diamonds and still go around begging for silver? Thanks for reminding us once again @gee1

Excellent, and yes it is. Agriculture is a gift, it is the opportunity to make big things out of nothing, to enjoy great flavors. and to allow us to be creators of our food. I love what you say, investing in agriculture will always be a good idea. I am from Venezuela and lamentably our government does not appreciate the fertile land that our country possesses. and the desire of many people to work to get ahead. Many successes and greetings

I do love the MOTHER EARTH and plants.
Especially some special kinds of plants!

We will have to talk about why is ganja illegal in Nigeria?
That is the oldest known plant farmed by humans and our DNA and our minds need it to live normally. Our genetics are bound to it in a sacred rite.

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