My grand nephew: So that makes me an old Great Aunt?

in #life6 years ago

Let's start off this story with the cutest of the grand nephew and his pal Gertie. Oh the cuteness knows no bounds!
grand nephew.jpg

But knowing that I have a grand nephew makes me a Great Aunt.... or Grand Aunt? either one sounds so frighteningly OLD! all invokes really old people to me.

When I was young, anyone who was not my direct aunt was referred to as Great Aunt Marion or Great Aunt Nina. I never had any Great Uncle Fred's or Great Uncle Ebenezer's...all that told me from my young point of view was that either women lived longer or they actually scared off the men! I mean, they were so old! THey had gray hair and wore 'snoods'!

They could be a lot of fun tho...

I remember once my Great Aunt Nina(age 88?), on Christmas Day, got down on the floor onto my Hoppity Hop and started hopping around (it's on old family film somewhere).

I also remember Great Aunt Muriel getting tipsy and she and my grandmother were sitting on big blow-up chairs the night before xmas - presumably after Santa had delivered his wares - and were having a grand ol' time....we have old photos somewhere - but here's the kind I'm talking about:
blow up chair.jpg

Anyway, I actually have 2 grand nieces and 2 grand nephews....all of whom are completely adorable...natch ;0) I SO hope that they grow up to think that their old Great Aunt Gardenlady is SUPER fun and FUNNY! It's the only way I know how to be!

So I guess it doesn't matter what they call me. I just know that they are so cute and I want to show them how much fun life is!

Happy gardening everyone!



Whoa cuteness overload! Awesome shot.

I whole heartedly refuse to act old even if I am old! I plan to enjoy the journey.!

Love this post! I had a great Aunt Ethel, my favorite aunt. But she died when I was 12. I had a lot of great aunts, my grandmother's sisters, and grand uncles, her brothers, but they were just aunts and uncles.

Love the old photos too! But the best one, is of course, the first one! Just adore that expression....

I do have that photo of the aunts on the blow up chairs, but not here in the house - it would have been fun to post.

So adorable.

We also called my Grandmother's sisters our Great Aunts. Still have a few around. They are wonderful !

It's funny, it doesn't really matter how old I get, I feel the same young self inside- I'm sure my great aunts felt that way too, but it's hard to understand that at age 10 ;0) (until you see them on the hoppity hop!)

I know exactly what you mean. I know more now, but I am still the same on the inside as I was when I was a child. I have 5 Great nieces, 6 Great Nephews and one more Great nephew on the way. (so far) How did all that happen ?? Time has flown !

Enjoy it to the max!!!

Haha great photo. It's nice to see dogs being nice with babies

THis dog is a coon hound. THey actually have 2 of them. Super friendly and laid back inside the house...but outside the house, hoo boy, they are on the hunt!

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