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RE: Remembrance Day in my town. I do not celebrate war. Lives are lost daily.

in #life7 years ago

@barrydutton for the most part I strongly agree! However, when you live minutes from the cruel realities of what global conflicts do to families, it resonates the increased need to encourage our government to allow our troops to participate as PEACE Keeping rolls as we traditionally did years ago. When your daughter has a class of 21 7th graders that has 4 classmates all without a father due to a combination of death of wartime in theatre and the side effects of PTSD (suicide) that is 4 too many. These children learn all too soon what “suicide” is and can nearly comprehend why!


This is all true my friend.

I had a revelation (pun,LOL) studying the bible years ago on my own.

-- there is a HUGE difference btw. the words peace KEEPERS and peace MAKERS.

It hit me like a ton of bricks that day and I have never forgotten the active and passive difference btw those words and so have tried to apply it to my own life and even here on Steemit when I can.

Profound worlds of difference in the context of these words. Thanks for the eye opener!

Hi again, if you like hot peppers or hot stuff, check my post out tonite just out about 9:25 pm!

It will fit a few things you like / that we discussed. If I am lucky @aunt-deb will see it!!!!

Will absolutely check it out. Thank you. Not a huge Fan of Hot stuff, but I am sure it shall be an interesting read. Hey what are your thoughts on organizing a Canadian Steemfest or Meetup?

I pondered it a couple times in the last year but frankly with my injuries and the drama and politics and bullying on here, regularly and the lack of fixes for all the issues, my love has grown cold here, esp. w the backstabbing and drama and people turning on me, it just does not hold the same candle for me any more

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