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RE: What I see through the scope at 788 meters...

in #life7 years ago

I actually think it may. I think, however, that as long as the media keep fake-newsing the country with bullshit the sheeples of the country will continue to follow along with the media-contrived diatribe like lemmings. It's a sad state of affairs. Point in case, check out an Andrew Bolt story about the way Channel Ten simply made up a story about a so-called hate message in respect of the gay vote thing. It's the same old story and so it goes. People believe what the media lead them to believe. Same with guns. All the crap about how many guns there are in Sydney etc. They only know how many there are because LAW ABIDING and licensed owners register them. The recent killing of that 3 year old was by a prohibited and unregistered gun, not safely stored. Go figure huh?


'Less freedom' is always the correct answer, apparently.
If a bad thing happens, it's because the government lets people do stuff.

"The recurring theme being that injury and death are caused by excessive freedom, and that peace and tranquility are achieved by strong central control of the individual"

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