
Germany got extreme ballistics on an artillery piece, by staging powder charges along the length of the barrel. As the projectile passed, the charge exploded from the previous explosion. It was called the V-3 gun.

A single secondary charge in a rifle should provide the same boost in velocity they saw. Think what 3800 FPS with a 220 grain bullet could do....


Those WW2 Germans were ingenious huh? Gotta give them that! I watch a documentary called Nazi Megastructures on payTV...Some amazing engineering!

Yes, they were! Their engineering was impressive but their politics was kindergarten level!

They built some structures that remain today.


They achieved a lot...If only they put that all to good use instead of the senseless idiocy they used their intelligence for. Mind boggling, but that's what power does sometimes I suppose. Ego, hubris hate and fear...I study Australian war history (for fun) and know a lot about WW1 and much about the 2nd too. I find it fascinating.

I Do too, WOW! I prefer WWII, but look at all of it! The Civil war here had some real changes in weapon systems too. The first use of air spotting for artillery was the Civil War. First sub, first ironclads, first machine guns, totally steam powered warship, breech loading cannon, and the first rotating turret on a ship!

It IS fascinating!

Why aren't you on


War history, and history in general is my passion. I should have been an archaeologist...But wasn't smart enough. I love it though and am always delving into stuff. I've got some posts on it if you're interested...Some WW2 stuff...Rommel in the desert etc. I can send links if you're interested.

Not sure what Weku is. I have trouble keeping up with steem.

I would enjoy the posts links. I have posted some myself....

Have you read a book called Kaiten, about suicide torpedoes? Interesting view of why they were willing to die. He actually says that the atom bombs saved Japanese lives. is a blockchain that is set up loke steem used to be before the stacked hardforks, so it is fun. I am on both. I actually post the same articles both places, kind of like palnet here. I make a lot more there than here, and a lot of my friends that left steemit are there.

My son wants your links, so I will send them today.

Be safe!


Ah ok, I'll take a look at Weku...

I haven't read that book but will have a look. Today will find some war posts for you too...Again, photos may not work. I'll drop them into one of your replies.

Hope your son likes the gun links and finds some value.

V-3 cannon
The V-3 (German: Vergeltungswaffe 3, "Retribution Weapon 3") was a German World War II large-calibre gun working on the multi-charge principle whereby secondary propellant charges are fired to add velocity to a projectile.
The weapon was planned to be used to bombard London from two large bunkers in the Pas-de-Calais region of northern France, but they were rendered unusable by Allied bombing raids before completion. Two similar guns were used to bombard Luxembourg from December 1944 to February 1945.
The V-3 was also known as the Hochdruckpumpe ("High Pressure Pump," HDP for short), which was a code name intended to hide the real purpose of the project.

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