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RE: Dark Turn of Events - Please Help me find the Light

in #life8 years ago

I believe what happened to you (being let go/terminated) is the rainbow and sunrise in your dream (new dawn). You trying to continue going on the same path, you've been on, is like crushing the white orb that fell from heaven.

The best times are yet to come. That asshole that fired you will regret it and even if they ask you back, DON'T DO IT. Also, I'm a faithful person (believe in Jesus) but I would never use the excuse -- "Jesus told me to fired you." I know A LOT of Christians that use that copout.

Excellent blog btw. Upvoted and resteemed.


Thank You for your kind words. I really wasn't trying to bash religion in my rant - I live deeply engrossed in the 'bible belt' here and understand I'm the odd man out. That said - its reassuring to hear someone of faith saying what they did was wrong. Thank you for that.

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