
Not at all. Feel free to use the open source one I shared on my blog a couple of months back.

It's safe. I also posted it on the #abuse channel on hoping that someone higher up would take a look at it (for honest feedback and so that I could add that confirmation on my article) but the answer was "who knows" XD

Witnesses don't seem too happy about resteem bots. I don't fully understand why. Instead I truly believe they're gold for minnows. Many leave because they can't get noticed. I used them myself a lot.

PS. If you're not talking about a free resteem service I can point you in the right direction for another bot. If I remember it right you're not a dev though, correct?

@gaottantacinque/ @marcocasario

THANKS a lot!!!!

Give me a couple of weeks and I could learn some basic python, maybe if I was not able to build a bot after that maybe I could at least modify one, (but I would have to be undisturbed and not have drama in my life and financial problems and such and such)... So it all depends...



(Maybe I will let one of my more developerish friends take a look at your code)...

No problem.. =]

The Free Resteem bot that I shared is written in Vanilla Javascript, that's easy to learn.

Here is my old script:

For the non-free resteem bot contact me on -> gabrygabry

Cheers =]

Thanks @marcocasario!
I checked it out looks very convenient!!
Have to examine the code a bit before I try any funny business!
I never tried is it better then "Discord"?


No worries. =]

Sure, go on. No fishy stuff in there!

It's ok, I found discord too noisy but sure you can find me there too as gabe#5784

I #@t3 discard... =)
We will talk later I need to rest.

I saw you withdraw everything from your wallet. If it's ok for you I'll give you a new free Subscription for 30 Resteems + 30x 0.03 upvotes. It should get your Resteem Biz started in case you decide to continue that way.
( Now I always ask whenever I give people free stuff since markymark somehow put gasaeightyfive on his blacklist for spam.. )

Okay, yeah spam my posts, with discrete spam, as long as I get free stuff!!! ;)
(but don't spam toooo much okay, then I will flag)....

Maybe we should talk in that soon, some time, Im usually quite functional/not sleeping at 4 PM "Greenwich time"...


No spam at all. New policy is: users get the comment with their balance only if they ask for it! &nbps; =]
Added you to the db.

Argh I just saw this, I stayed up very late last night (coding/studying).
It's 7pm there now if my GB memories did not completely vanish?
I'm usually online at yours 14 pm but feel free to leave messages and I'll reply asynchronously. I take a look at the chats a couple times more during the day.

Ugh, yeah i am also a bit all over the place yet always here...
I will try to find my way to that chat soon.

Witnesses... Don't like the wallet spam....

Yeh I can see that. (I personally never sent messages through wallet transactions though)

thats nice! I like that, but maybe "wallet spam" is the only way to "get up" and get your name out there?



( I never read them anyway )

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