Im still alive give me 5 (SBD's)!!! 😎😘 (No longer vegetarian!)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Reporting for duty, Steemit!

Image source: @friendly-fenix (and yes it's bugs and I ate the whole bag).

Strange week

This last week has been a less inspirational one to say the least, there was a lot of distraction and just a general feeling of blockages and creative obstacles, that is normal and I usually overcome these things, but then I got a bit of a fever for the weekend, that's typical right?

If you get an infection it is always right before a weekend or a holiday or something...

Anyway I have had a "plant-based diet" for two and a half years and a week ago I decided to eat meat again, not sure why I guess I just felt tired of eating loads of beans, greens and such in different shapes and forms, my stomach has not been reacting very well to the "plant-based diet", sure I have been feeling good about my choice to not support the meat-industry and more enlightened ,meditative etc, but I also started feeling a serious lack of vigour and lust.

Img src: @friendly-fenix

So I just randomly decided to eat a big juicy hamburger!

Getting back on the "meat train", gave me an instant push, I felt like a man again a carnivore, my stomach was back to normal again and after a few days I felt less bloated and I even managed to exercise, something I have been neglecting to do for about a year because of a pretty serious accident.

But now Im in bed and I feel a bit feverish and weird I also noticed I was getting more aggressive and a bit more stressed this week, I even caught myself "semi-trolling" peoples comments here on Steemit, so I am guessing that shifting diet might have something to do with this? 😋

I just wanted to post something to let you guys/girls/bots know that I have not yet surrendered!

The youtube-shooter

Also I just read about this vegetarian/vegan girl who got so angry at for demonetizing her videos, that she decided to go and shoot people at the youtube-headquarters... It is a real tragedy and my condolences goes out to the survivors and families... Not that this has anything to do with me changing my diet, but yeah, being vegetarian can be pretty hard sometimes.

Also I wonder if she would have known about Dtube if this tragedy would have ever happened?

Anyway I personally hope nothing like this ever happens to and that we can try and coexist here with out violence, the platform and STEEM would definitely gain more value if we could just try and de-escalate all this drama going on, I guess it is just down to every user here to try and be the best they can be, make a change for the better?

If you cannot be a vegetarian or vegan maybe just have like a meat-free day every week?

Cheers everyone and be safe and stay cool!

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I also want to recommend some interesting users here on :

@sorin.cristescu writes amazing articles about crypto and makes many interesting historical correlations. @yallapapi most people have probably read some of his stuff by now, he is a true force of nature! @chickenburger writes funny rimes and poems, sometimes a bit dark, but mostly nice and funny poems. @simon62 a steemian I just started talking to who has some really interesting and original articles, he is also in some mysterious kind of feud with the bot @cheetah over old letters and quotes/encyclopaedic references from 1884? @simplymike who let me know that I was a "steemit-criminal", it's kind of funny read more here 😎. @omitaylor is deeply knowledgeable on backend/frontend steemit related dev stuff... @eaglespirit is a healer who uses stones to do crystal-healing and writes good interesting articles...
I also want to thank @gentlebot for upvoting my comments!


I also want to advertise: @s-h-e-p : SteemIt's Hospitality Engagement Platform, for steemians who want to travel and get together to help each other out with cool projects, like permaculture, homesteading, primitive-building and the sky seems to be the limit! (I guess it is kind of like WWOOFing but cooler and for steemians!)

image source: @s-h-e-p


Awe, that's a bummer. The trio and I are over 3 years strong as vegetarians. At this point, Willow has been vegetarian over half her life.


Other kids used to tease Inari, telling him he would never build muscles without meat. He would just whip out his guns. I showed him images of Vegan body builders to boost his confidance.

Thanks for giving it a try.

Yeah, I am just going to be a "opportunistic feeder" for a while now, I have been vegetarian before this was my second round, feels good to mix things up a bit. Each to his own!
Nice that you can manage to keep your kids on a healthy vegetarian diet! That is impressive!

No problem, I like your posts, I am going to go and see if there is anything new in your blog now. =) And maybe try to leave a smart comment or two!

Just wanted to pop in and see what you have been up to. I have decided my body requires sloooooooow transition for any diet change.
I need to check out you links any body with @chickenburger for a name has got to be funny.

So. I have made a significant move toward plant based. Meaning I eat a little chicken and a little fish every week. But I reserve the right to a cheeseburger every now an again. I've had one this year.

I feel good, and I'm glad to have gotten off the 'red meat' express that I was on.

Thanks for letting us know...

Yeah @bigtom13, red meat feels a bit like a drug, so I understand why people are careful with it.
I like your style, no need to "over indulge" in meat.

The plant based diet was not that easy,... I guess the change back to meaty food is what is cause of you been aggressive, you get over it soon.

Yeah, he he, I have to use that energy to hit the gym or like do some serious running or something now, get back in shape! What kind of diet do you have @eprolific?

I am a skinny guy, mostly meaty...

Another great post. Was wondering where you had gone. Thanks for the shout out.

Enjoy that meat friend and don't let a single person make you feel bad for doing so. Life is short, enjoy it

Haha thank you @empress-eremmy.
If I eat too much greasy meat my life might get really short, so I am going to keep it somewhat healthy and lean...

Wow. I'm humbled. Thank you so much for the shout out. Your passion exceeds your name ;) I love it. I will have to see what @simplymike has said of your criminality...heh heh p.s. I would totally eat those bugs.

Thanks @omitaylor!
Basically there are some steemit rules in the FAQ, and having SBD giveaways for people who upvote/comment etc, is technically against those rules, ( @simplymike did not accuse me so nothing personal ), I just hosted a couple of SBD competitions with "mandatory" comments/upvotes to participate and I found out that it is against these rules...

I’m not going around ‘accusing ‘ people. The post I made was for informational purposes only.
In fact, I learned that the ‘rules’ in the FAQ are useless, because SteemIt Inc simply doesn’t give a f**ck. :0)

I know I also wrote that, I just thought the whole thing was funny...

yeah, I sneak some meat occasionally. On a side note: are oysters "meat"? I mean, they don't have a face so...

On the Border Territory Between the Animal and the Vegetable Kingdoms:
Some pretty dense reading...

Good question @artopium, I guess there are some animals that are almost borderline vegetables...
I am going to look into this...

how cute your weekly surmising post is, that is crazy about the cheetah bot feud and i like your recap about the cray cray vegan but you had a burger LOL
Awesome! Happy Sunday!!


Eagle UpComm.jpg

PS. my good friend @anjkara will love reading this!

oh she will come around ... when she is back on. she got the ping. :)

Interesting, I am going to check out her blog!

hahaha oh oh ... he's coming for you @anjkara ... (the sound of Night of the Living Dead) ...

Thanks @eaglespirit. I love reading this sort of thing as you know :D

Yay @friendly-fenix! Welcome back to the land of the living. I was veggie/vegan for 17 years. Going back to meat and animal products was the best thing I ever did for my health.

Lol @mild-trolling XD Awesome


Im not sure about the holistic aspect and if my overall health is getting better in the long run from eating meat,
but I do sure feel better after eating some meat, I feel more alive (I wish this wasn't true).

But I think I have to be careful not to eat too much meat-grease and "clog up" my circulation or something, (keep it on a sensible level)... Nice to "meet you" @anjkara!

Nice to meet you too fenix :D

Yes, I was gutted when I had to give in and eat the animal stuff (kinda clashed with my morality and ethics), but... well :P

Don't worry about animal fats clogging anything up. Cholesterol: it's not the bad guy!.


i know you do! that's why i tagged you mah gurl!! :)
"welcome back to the land of the living. buahahahahaah
love my Anj!!


Im not that scarey... =)

buahahaahah we are the SAVAGE girls and we like finding people that are somewhat converted to our thinking. okay not exactly true, we love people who are raw, fresh and original. :)
you seem very real and that sound was just a joke. we tend to just have fun and thinking of starting show on DLive. At least i'm trying to talk @anjkara into it!!

Cool, well it would be fun to watch your show for sure! =)
Thanks for the compliments I appreciate that a lot! I will try to keep it a bit raw and original...

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