2018 day 3. Are my dreams becoming true???

in #life7 years ago (edited)

2018 D + 3 = Steem value keeps increasing! I can not believe it!!! It's incredible!

Every day I wake up and I am more and more excited!!!

I'm on steemit for only 5 months and already my life is changing! Once in my life, I feel that my dreams are becoming accessible... It's a really special and new feeling for me. But so exciting!

Life is amazing! You think of going in one direction and then you make a meeting and everything rocks!

One year ago, I left everything in Paris, my job, my apartment, my friends! I lost the motivation ...


After a burnout (big depression), I totally changed direction...
I traveled and realized how my life did not suit me. Then, I wanted to get out of this situation so uncomfortable.
I took my bags, my car and I did 1300 km alone!


To live my dream and get out of the box!

Since last summer I live in Spain and I am totally crazy about this new life! And especially thanks to this experience on Steemit!

It's decided, in 2018, I want to invest all my time to write blogs! The most interesting possible obviously ;). I have a lot of ideas in my head to promote the platform around me. I speak French, Spanish and English (which I have to improve). I believe that this mission of spokesperson of the platform in Barcelona, is made for me! :)


I am so happy to be part of this STEEMIT family and I will never thank enough the people who introduced me to STEEMIT!
I am convinced that this opportunity is the best I have had in my life. And maybe the only one I'll have in my life to make my wildest dreams come true! So you have not finished hearing about FlaminGirl my friends !!! ;)

I promise to do my best to grow Steemit and for you who support me !!!



Je vois deja comment tu es contente.
Alors je suis la et je prends en gage de lire tes postes journalieres.
L'anglais ca va. J'ai tout compris.
Je veux pratiquer le francais.
I wish you the best since you start in high note.
Keep on steemit.

Just like you, Steemit has radically changed my life and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity it provides for me to just follow my dreams and not worry about college and dead-end jobs and climbing the corporate ladder like all my friends. Thank you so much for sharing your experience! Every time I learn about someone doing well on Steemit, it inspires me to keep working harder! I hope to see more of you around Steemit and look forward to a brighter future for all of us! 🙏🏽

i always describe as a God sent,indeed it has really change my life also.

We all agree with you , steemian . Steemit changed also the way we think about ourself . It made us realize that we are important to the community .
Appreciate thought your taughts .
Keep on steeming.

Have a look at the article I just posted. I think you might find a relatence ♡

And we are just getting started...

Quite interesting. You awesome flame, flaming you up. Congratulations and Happy new year.

The very same question i was asking to myself today, Am i going rich in 2018! Lol

The pace with which steem is moving yes every person of this community is going to rich ;)

Me hace muy feliz leer esto, en serio necesitaba leerlo, desde el año pasado siento que estoy saliendo de un hueco y creo fielmente que debemos movernos, conocer otros lugares, etc., para renacer y estar bien con nosotros mismos, este año será para mí eso, un año de salir de mi zona de confort para crecer como persona y ser más positiva, gracias por tu buena energía, saludos desde Venezuela :)

My story on Steemit started few days ago :) and your story inspires me to do my best :)

The same story)

Bitcoin Jesus Will Arrive This Year!

there is always hope and your all dreams will be coming true for sure.
Just be optimistic and keep it up.

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