Have you asked yourself "what's the real purpose of life?"

in #life6 years ago


Chapter one - The world we're living.

I've always wondered about two things in life, the real happiness, and how to live off what you love. At a young age I realized that happiness is a state of mind, a combination of thing which some are totally far from us to control, but somehow theres a moment that everything just align to make your present happy. Same thing happens with sadness and most of the daily or mundane feelings so to speak, no good thing has lasted for ever, nor the opposite.
But what about "living off what you love"?... As most of you already know, I'm a graphic designer, I work from home as a freelance for a couple of years now, and I must admit is a good job (not in terms of money) but is a fun thing to do. Anyway after almost ten years doing it I get to a pint where I keep asking myself is this is what I really like to do for a living, is this a true passion? I mean, since I was a teenager I was involve with creating graphics, illustrations, collages, whatever was related to art somehow. But as I said before, after ten years doing the same I realize I want something more, something else.

Chapter two - The blockchain.

Almost ten months ago I get to join STEEMIT, and also get to know the cryptocurrencies world and the blockchain technology. I still have no words to explain how this event changed my mind and my ways to see and understand the daily living, money, and also happiness, somehow related. I'm not gonna talk about my story in STEEMIT so far cause nobody cares, but I'm sure it resumes what happened to a lot of daily STEEMIT users. A rush of so many feelings, exaltation, happiness, hatefulness, confusion, impotence, annoyance, injustice, and most of all, gratitude.
I still remember one though in my head and was " this is going to be one of those moments caught on the present history as a relevant event that changed the world, and Im on it" and was one of the things that brighten the most in my fuel to learn and work on this new thing.

Let me show you a list of things that I have learnt or have added to my daily routine thanks to STEEMIT and blockchain.

  • I started to write more and more, about my life, about fiction, or just a review of something, I started to write in two languages on a daily basis and it was an amazing change in me.

  • I've been able to show and sell my work and my services as a designer being paid with crypto, I realized it was the perfect chance to show what I am good at, and off course get a profit.

  • I finally get to learn and experiment with videos and film making, I mean I'm a newbie and just starting but I'm already loving it and enjoying it so much, that it will probably became one of the primal things to work this year.

  • I started to create more and more ideas, how to use the blockchain in the real world, how could O help others with this amazing technology and this new money, so to speak. I decided to start writing a project about helping animals and promoting steemit, hope to have some more info soon to post it here.

  • And most important thing it made me get to know amazing people, to get in connection and share ideas and stories with so many people with the same minds, with the same ideals and this thing has no price.

Chapter three -The result?

And the most beautiful thing about this is that I could finally mix my two most fragile and difficult problem in life about happiness and doing what you love. This is the real thing, this is how everyone should live their life. Even knowing the amount of problems surrounding STEEMIT, with the reward pool rape, with the fighting bot problem, more and more scam, and less organic flow around the platform means this is not doing well. The price is getting high after the last drop and people realize its time to profit or broke the platform again. The other day I started to set myself some small goals, and tried to recorded everything and make a good memory about it. First thing was to cash out some money and went to the beach for a relax moment where I ended up cleaning my surroundings, you can see the post here, then I decided to spend some time with my dad as a gift, you can also see that post here, or the last good thing I did, was this day looking for street dogs to feed them with food bought with steem, you can see that post here. What I'm trying to say with all this is that you don't have to use your life or your ideas as an excuse to profit, you need to do things from the heart and with real values and passion, money will come later, or don't, and it won't matter at that time, cause you will probably be distracted with how amazing was the time you spent doing something from the heart.

Chapter four - Whats next...

From the day one I believed that this was a world changing event, also a mind changing moment, the other day I cashed out some crypto to FIAT money and was able to do stuff with it, I realize how many opportunities to promote great things this is. My mind is working on a way to get into massive adoption the simple idea to use this technology to join people, to fight agains what we always hated, to be strangers as individuals but most important as a community. My goal is to help the animals, to build shelters for cats and dogs, to spread a message, to raise funds and to save lives, this is the real fuel to keep the engine working, and we all should listen to that voice in our heads telling us to take a risk, to do what you want to do, and most important thing to actually do something useful to everyone, or just a fraction of people, or the whales, or the white rhinos or even to save a flower, your benefit will be much bigger that the real benefactor.


Life is not about how much money you can make,
nor how much power you can have,
its about how well remembered you will be.

Image credits


If you're not making an impact in someone's life or changing some real shit around you, in the world... What's the purpose of life?

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