Just got Fired: opportunity, curse or blessing?

in #life6 years ago

I have been working for the same company for the last nine years in different positions with the first 6 based randomly all over Europe and the last 3 in Switzerland.

Now in my department things were not going that well for the last 6 months and the writing was on the wall.


So yesterday me and another colleague got the news that we were being made redundant. The company had to save Ebit and the easiest way to do that is to cut costs and that meant cutting payroll.

So in the end we are getting laid off not due to bad work performance but mainly due to market conditions killing off the margin. In this kind of situation you cannot really blame yourself or your direct superiors. It is a decision that is out of your hands and as such there is no point to break down and cry.

Now I do have to admit that there is a huge difference to seeing the writing on the wall and actually getting handed your notice.
All that writing did not change the fact that I was a bit complacent and that even though I knew what was coming I just did my job, took the money and went home. I did browse job sites from time to time and even applied once or twice.


Now I have no choice. I have to take action

So back to the question at hand

- opportunity

Since last year I have been blogging here on Steem and I have slowly been climbing deeper in the Crypto rabbit hole every day. I do not have enough Cryptocurrencies to be living of my revenue by a long shot so I will not be saying that I am going full time Steemit, that would be unsustainable. (wish it wasn't the case)
But recently I have co-founded @cryptoworldzug with which we are organizing a small congress in Zug (Switzerland) aiming to explain crypto to the common man and I am also involved in a crypto related meetup group. So I am considering applying my efforts in that direction and might start looking for employment in the crypto scene or work free until our initiative is able to support a full time employee.

- curse

There is always a bit of doubt,
I am 41 (still feels weird writing that down, seems surreal) so am I still "employable"?
As a foreigner in Switzerland, will it be harder to get a job? (I heard that it is)

- blessing

I have been contemplating a change for a while now and am longing for a bit more human contact other then sitting behind a desk all day.
I have my language skills going for me (4 languages fluently and 2 so so)
After all this time I would say I have gathered a good amount of people management skills and professional experience.
The company has been more then fair and have offered a nice severence package and even an budget for further schooling.
So I will dig into all the options that will get me some extra leg up or foot in the door in the crypto scene


It's now or never

I am not the type to go and sit in a corner and cry. I am also more optimistic by nature so I automatically assume that everything will work out in the end (it has so far)

Some things that will then happen from July onwards is having a bit more time on my hands which I intend to spend on my Steem and Crypto Jobs :

  • allotting more time as a moderator for @utopian.io and @elear and also
  • stepping up the effort as a member of the @smartsteem team with @therealwolf.
  • slotting some extra time translating for crowdin team with @punqtured
  • organising the 2nd conference and stepping up our new organisation @cryptoworldzug

So upvote this post 100% to support an unemployed guy on the brink of despair

(its not that bad but upvote 100% anyway, Switzerland is really really expensive)

Click on the banner for some extra income selling your spare votes

all pics sourced from pixabay

Good luck hunting and crypto'ing, the few times we talked you stood out as an awesome guy so I'm supporting you all the way!

Thanks, this means a lot.

I believe is all about finantial stability, if you are currently good with your finances you could risk and work for yourself if not you can search a job for more stability
Keep your head up and keep working

Thanks for the support, and i beleive that is indeed the plan that is shaping up...

I like your attitude, which in fact shuold be taken as an example. Go straight for your goals, no matter what!!

I aim to be positive and that in itself makes life easier

I am available for any sort of help for jobless and hardworking people. But that's good I got from your post that your a fast working man of 41 years of age. Hard working will always assist you more than other objects.

well, luck is also nice, so now I am just going for right man at the right time

My husband just experienced this after 20 years working at one company. Nothing he did wrong - he actually just won an award for excellence. In any case similar feelings of curse/blessing. It absolutely is a great time to find a job or career, even a project to launch into a new and positive chapter. Sometimes we know we're unhappy in a certain place/job but ignore those feelings for financial comfort...and then the unexpected happens that forces us to make that change. It is a blessing. Good luck, @felander

Well I wish the best of luck to you and your husband as well, Lets turn into a different road and leave the one that only offers security

Absolutely. Trusting! Have a beautiful day, @felander

9 years one company how do you do that i always got bored after 3 years , needles to say i've worked for a lot of companies and i always enjoyed new challenges but i stopped working 10 years ago at age 42 ;)

well I held a lot of different positions so that made for change as well. and now I would like to go in a crypto direction here in Zug... see where that leads me
hopefully i will like doing that so much it will not be work either

different positions do help but in the end you are still making money for the same a..hole at the top, but all that ain't no longer my concern all i do know is make pictures post on steemit and play some games :)

Yep true that working for a big company isnt going to make me rich but you cannot tell me that you are earning your living off steem, not with 120sp so you worked hard or got lucky

no but this is not my main account :) , i'm retired since 2008 due to 80-100 % disability , i get a small well fare as they call it, my wife is the one making the serious money to pay the bills , steemit is nice for funding my photography hobby . my main account is @stresskiller and @bokeh is also mine :)

indeed it is :)

ok, that gives you a bit more sp to work with :-) I have an alt account for photography as well... @photolander
But you seem to be using smartsteem a lot but are not selling your spare votes?? They are small amounts but the one with 600 sp should give you 0,5 sbd per day minimum for free

nah i prefer to help friends i know instead of selling to strangers

me to, I vote for stuff I like and for interacting with people i have come to appreciate but at night my voting power reaches the maximum sometimes and thats the votes i sell

I like your positivity! Wish I have that strength when I am in such predicament... Wish you all the best and looking forward to hear good progress from Mr Positivity :-)

thanks a lot, i do guess i am an eternal optimist

Upvoted and followed. Hope that helps a bit

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