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RE: The Healing of an Addict Pt. 1: Moments of Clarity

in #life7 years ago

Thank you so much for your response.

One thing that really stuck out was your reference to Kundera - I read that book on the recommendation of my ex last summer. And while at the time, I didn't fully appreciate it, over time, it started to click and really hit home in certain aspects.

I'm honestly glad that I even have the opportunity to be here, to have the opportunity to truly be the person I know I want to be and am capable of becoming - but only when I'm sober. When I am using, there is no hope for me to bring any sort of "Lightness" into my life.

Substances snuff the candle in my room and leave me in the dark, alone with only my thoughts and twisted memories.

To be here today, to build, grow, and share with everyone, is a gift that I absolutely cherish and do not take for granted.

So thank you, so much, for your kind words, your deep wisdom, and insight, and your level of intelligence. It's refreshing, honestly.

Best wishes my friend,



Experiences we don't live through are but stories, whether truth or tale is then subject to argument. History doesn't rhyme, it repeats, and that is why, but it could rhyme, if only we can learn how;

We must continue to live through the same follies again and again, unless we grow from each other's lived experience, a feat only possible if our empathetic fix is of the utmost quality. That in itself is predicated on the quality of both communication and listening skills. Can't receive much if only ever broadcasting, right?

All of your experiences are genuine and useful, each of us has to decide when we've had our fill of those tired old experiences that no longer hold any new learning, and write our verse anew.

Looking forward to reading your next verses.

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