Steemfat: Booya! 30.6 KM in 60 minutes on bike. New record! Progress pictures week 5.

in #life7 years ago

This whole project STEEMFAT is turning out much more challenging than I thought it would be when I started.

I simply thought increasing my gym efforts and watching my food would be an easy recipe to get results fast.

The good thing is, I am getting results, but it's not fast. And it takes a ton of effort! Maybe it has to do with age :)

I go to the gym 5 days a week minimal. I watched my food and I cut down my alcohol intake by a lot. (down to 2 days a week)

I see every day as a new day to improve.

Steemfest 2 is in 8 weeks.


After 60 minutes on the bike I looked like this

New record on the bike.

It's been a goal of mine to bike 30 KM within the hour. Today I reached that goal.

I settled for a steady pace at residence 10, between 220-240 WATT at 95-105 rpm. I made it with 90 seconds spare.

Walking after was difficult even after cooldown.


Progress pictures week 5.

Something is changing. When I first looked at the pictures I thought I had made no result at all. But a closer look made me change my mind.

Stronger chest muscles, stronger back. My clothes are also a little bit more loose around the waist but I find it hard to see that result in these pictures. My face is thinner, I heard more than one person say that.

I feel more 'solid' and I'm getting stronger. I pretty sure my muscles are growing now. I think eating more carbs has done me well.

All and all not unhappy at all how this is going!




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Wow dude you are absolutely killing it. I can't believe you went 30.6km in 60 minutes! That is probably the same distance of all my bike trips combined (probably true as I don't ride my bicycle a lot)

I don't know how you were able to put a smile on your face since I'd be drained if I were you but I guess you would be injected with happiness if you smash a personal milestone like that.

It is always great to keep challenging yourself. What is your next goal going to be? I bet with some time you will smash that as well.

Is it the sun or has all this gym stuff given your skin more of a glow. You look way healthier and it is great to see that you are feeling even stronger. I'm glad that you can feel the effect of all of this from your clothes feeling looser as well as you looking better.

Keep up all the great work @exyle! :)

Lately, I also enjoy walking 18% uphill on the treadmill. I'm not made for running. Might do a challenge with that.

Age is not a big factor in weight loss or building muscle. That's a myth.
When you start focusing on cardio for fat loss, you lose a lot of weight. But then your body gets used to the exercises and tries to find ways to improve the efficiency of the same exercises. If you want to burn similar amounts of calories with the same exercises, you'll have to increase the intensity.

Good tips thanks!

Source for whatever I had said in my previous comment. This channel is really informative and the exercises and tips are really effective.

I wouldn't worry to much about the slower than anticipated progress. It always takes a bit longer to lose weight. From looking at your progress pictures, I think you are losing some weight and gaining some definition in your muscles.

Good deed goes a long way.
It will take some time with your diet, result will follow.
Keep on steemit!!

Thanks, man!

Congrats and Great job @exyle. You are helping others so much with your daily inspiration. Looks like your getting some Sun too. Just One Step at a Time, One Day at a Time. Thank you for being my Friend and replying back to many of the people that watch you as you Progress on this Journey. Love you my Friend @stokjockey

Thank you!

Amazing results @exyle, you are looking a lot stronger than before, your shoulders are also lifted up than before and looks so strong, i am glad to see you run 30 KM within the hour that's awesome, i also like to say that exercise is king and nutrition is queen. Together you have a kingdom. thanks for sharing

Run would be a bit much lol, It was on the bike :)

oh ok now i understand it. thanks

all good things take time ;) but it will come for sure and after seeing the pics i can definitely say that you are doing excellent work you are quite regular ,and you just broke the record today hahah just wow i can't even imagine to reach that hahah

Great results :) healthy eating and doing some sport always makes your life better. Try to drink alcohol not just 2 days, but don't do that when you are doing a sport :)

Well done you are going great and i can feel a differnce in your pictures your body is looking very much stronger than before, it's also nice to see that you able to break a record by doing 30km in one hour, by running 30km is just like running a marthon and it's good for experience something. i hope you achieve your results soon the way you are working.

It was biking.

Losing fat is fun, once you get disciplined and start seeing results, it gets easy then

Continue your journey man, best of luck will be following through

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