Finding our first block today and later watching Coco, the new pixar movie, with Bianca to celebrate.
I had so much fun today.
In the afternoon my phone went mental.
I couldn't check it out straight away because I was busy.
But when I had the opportunity, I saw that I had a ton of missed messages.
They were all from blockbrothers.
When I read and realized what the fuzz was about I did a small jump.
We got our first block!
To keep it simple, as witnesses we verify blocks for the blockchain. But because we are still low on the list of witnesses (we just started) we don't get many blocks to verify.
To get one is awesome because it showed us everything was configured perfectly.
It's sort of a milestone. A small one maybe but still.
One gotta enjoy the little things in life too.
The guys were so happy and that made me happy too.
I told Bianca the news when she came to check on me in my office.
I explained to her what had happened and she got it.
She was happy too.
I'm so glad she's also part of Steemit. It makes things so much easier :)
To celebrate we went to see Coco tonight. It's the new movie by Pixar. (no spoilers)
Bianca and I both like animated movies a lot.
Old or new school.
We saw it in 3D tonight.
It was amazing. Great story, fantastic characters, great animation.
After watching it I am now convinced that the only movies that really work well in 3D are animated movies.
When we left the theater Bianca asked me what I would rate this movie.
'A solid 9', I said. (I think it's the best animation I saw in a while)
'Not a ten?', she asked. (she loved it a lot)
I said, 'nothing beats Lion King'.
She did not argue, she knows me :)
It's a great feeling when the first few blocks come in. I was a late starter on bitcoin, but with pool mining I was able to snag about 300 before my useless year old ASICs came.
It's indeed cool. I also mined some coins back in the day. Dogecoin one of them. Always for fun, I was never a real miner. Validating blocks for the Steem blockchain is another matter. It has a lot more meaning for me.
Congts on getting the first block @exyle just wait till you get many coming lol, yea lion king is amazing, sad yes but good I haven't heard of coco I need to see what this is about thanks.
Thank you!
A 9! Fantastic, I get to see all the Pixar movies because my little lady loves them. I have been looking forward to this one!
I like most Pixar movies a lot (since toy story). This one is fantastic.
Ah, toy story (all 3) are absolute classics. I believe there is a number 4 coming. It was toy story that hooked me on Pixar!
haha, I got hooked with monsters inc, really nice movie.
Awesome! Congrats on the block, @blockbrothers !
And yes, nothing beats Lion King.
Excellent my friend, i am so happy to hear that you guys find your first block as steem witness and yes it's great achievement indeed i am in contact with my close friends too who are on steemit and you guys surely get's more votes soon and wow i also love to watch animated movies because they are so interesting to watch, i will try and watch this movie coco soon, you rated it as 9 so i hope it will be a great movie, wishing you best of luck for all of your future endeavors my friend, Stay awesome
If you enjoy animation. You will enjoy this film.
This is really good news. Am so happy for you guys. You really deserve it. There is surely no better way to end the month of November.
You know since I started following your blog it has been from one good news to the other, from steemify, to paying for hosting with steem, to taking profits from bitcoin, and now to having a block. That's really awesome.
Yah, Coco is a really nice movie, it's such a coincidence you've watched it also.
I really love the movie. I was legit crying in the 3rd act/last 10 minutes of the movie. This is one of the best animated movie of 2010s in my opinion. It's emotional, fun, and overall very good.I love how it's not a typical animated movie made for children, it also features some really deep message and really meaningful life lesson. This is why I love so much about Pixar.
I know somuch more goodnews will be coming from you @exyle, just please make sure to share the news with us. All the best.
Thank you, lucy. It's been a good month indeed!
This news really makes me so happy, knowing that you have got a block. I don't know what that really means, but it sounds like good news. You know the reason why am so happy is because my little effort together with the effort of other lovely steemians paid off. I made it my personal goal to tell as much people as I could about voting for @blockbrothers,and am glad the effort was fruitful. You guys are really awesome and I love what you do. Someday I know I'll get to meet you guys in person, and what honor that will be.
Am sorry, am.not really the movie kind of person, but am glad you and bianca had a lovely time. Just let her know some steemians are sending their regards.
More progress to @blockbrothers.
Thanks for your support!
It goodnews hearing you had somuch fun today.
Am glad you guys got the block @blockbrothers.
Your effort is paying out more and more. I know you guys will have goodluck, because, off course good luck only comes to those who work hard, so no need of me wishing it.
You know I was thinking of something,you made your mum join steemit, you made bianca join steemit, and most shockingly you made your niece have the prospects of getting her fees paid by her own investment. This shows me you have crypto running in your veins, not blood. You eat sleep and dream crypto. No wonder you make smart decisions. Ke up the fire @exyle.
I've heard about the Coco movie, but I've not watched it. From what you've said, it looks like a lovely movie. I have to put watching it on my to do list.
Thanks a lot for the update.
also made you mad about crypto blade!
This is wonderful news. This is progress. You guys are awesome. And am so glad you shared this with us @exyle, it makes me feel you see us as part of what you do, and nor just onlookers.
Am glad you celebrated this 'little' success. It's small small successes that combine to give a larger success.
I was reading an article online on celebrating small successes and how it affects the human mind. I found out that celebrating any accomplishment, no matter how small, activates the reward circuitry of our brains. When this pathway is opened some key chemicals are released that give us a feeling of achievement and pride.
In particular, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released which energizes us and gives us a feel-good aura. This chemical enables us not only to get that sweet feeling of reward but also to take action to move toward what triggered it’s release in the first place.
This is the very same substance that gets people hooked on gambling, nicotine and alcohol. So what your celebration of little successes essentially creates is an addiction to progress.
For more on this, you can check out
For the Coco movie, I've not seen it before, but am glad bianca like it, and I guess I'll have to go see it in the cinema with my siblings. Have a good one.
You rocks @exyle ! :D That's a huuuge news ! OMG so many news things for you theses lasts days !
It's pretty insane atm. But feels awesome :). Thank you so much for your support.