Confidence is everything- How I gained mine [part 2]

in #life7 years ago

This is the follow up to part 1

In July 2013 I went to the UK to visit my friend Mark (Morph). He lives in Bolton and has been a friend of mine for over 18 years. (side note: I'm going to be his best man when he's going to marry in 2019.)

We met online through gaming (Urban Terror, a Quake3 mod) at the time when the internet was still new. (ICQ was awesome and we used TheAllseeingeye/Gamespy to find servers to play games.)

I went to visit for a week.

2013-07-13 21.19.09-1.jpg

Mark and me.

Mark knew I never been very smooth with the ladies so he thought it to be a brilliant idea to sign me up for a dating app in the UK to hook me up while there.

He carefully constructed a profile on an app called 'plenty of fish'.

His brilliant writing netted me exactly zero dates in the UK. (Lol) but I left the app on my phone when I went home.

Mud run

Mark is not the only UK friend I have. We actually had a whole group of people we used to play with. One night we were all pissed (drunk) online and the brilliant idea was born to sign up for a mud run called 'Tough Mudder'.

Everyone got out their credit card and bought a ticket. 5 ppl in all.

The next day was filled with regrets. But we had bought the tickets so everyone started to train.

I was already working out at the time but increased my efforts.

Having a goal to work towards is always a good idea btw. (hence I'm on Steemfat).

An unexpected Text

One night I was sitting in front of the TV alone when my phone made an unfamiliar sound. I picked it up and looked at a message.

To my surprise, it was coming from the app 'plenty of fish'.

A girl called Bianca had sent me a message saying:

'You look good in a braided shirt'

A message that would change my life completely.

This was my profile picture at the time.


End of Part 2

Exyle logo final _ RGB-04.png

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It's great to hear your story about how you met your girlfriend. A lot more people are meeting their partners through dating sites and apps. I'm glad that you found success on it and found the right shirt to use on your profile picture there.

That is an incredible story. Isn't if funny that the best things that happen to us seem to come when we least expect it. It almost seems that's when we're ready, even if we don't think we are, the great things in our life seem to find us.

I couldn't agree more about how important confidence is in achieving any endeavor we partake in. Confidence is truly the key that unlocks the door to achievement in our life. With confidence we have the self fortitude to see a goal to it's completion. I can't remember who said this, I think it was the late, great Jim Rohn pertaining to goals, "When you make your goals and back them with all the desire you can muster, they become your boss, your beacon that guides you through the darkness into the light."

Great post brother! You keep on filling in the blocks in your logo as you continue to grow and make your life what you want it to be. Have a great day!

Thank you, man! Those blocks will be filled. You have a great day too!

A wonderful story, it's so romantic happened to you with Bianca, thank you for telling me about it @exyle!

Oh yeah @exyle, this great story of dating Bianca, even more, the story is very romantic, even if the acquaintance happened in such a modern way :)

fantastic story @exyle, well trying new things can help your life, builds your creativity, increases knowledge of the world, and expands your logical thinking to build open mindedness and that exactly happens in your case, you try a app don't know that it benefits you but you get reward in shape of bianca, i wish both of you have a cheerful life ahead, thanks for sharing

We are having a good time together so far, almost 3 years now :)

nice post @exyle, no doubt that confidence is everything and it's also true that making right decisions at right time also benefits you a lot, you make a decision to use the app at right time and it eventually paid off and your firend is also great who gave you such a nice suggestion to use the app, i am glad you find dream partner at the right time in life and Wishing you both a very happy and wonderful life ahead.

Thank you very much, man!

Confidence comes from the way we act, dress and look.
The easies way to be more confident is with the way we dress. Fitted and better material clothes, new haircut etc.
With the "look" I mean our body, so start workingout!
The way we act comes after.
Take care and be more confident guys and everything will take its place and you will be happy!

working out helped me loads!

Sometimes the most unexpecting events come out of nowhere, changing your life entirely...

Not to suck up or something...
But this story reads like a novel (a funny one though!). I can't wait for the rest of the story... :-)

Hi @exyle, Today I visit your blog first time. I followed your older post and like it.
Upvote and follow you..........
this is for you....

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