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RE: The Wickedness of Working Less

in #life7 years ago

Nothing worth something in this life comes easy!

If life were easy, there would be no need for "work". Easy can be tempting though. Why work hard for something when you can get it for free? (Other than personal satisfaction, but that only takes certain people so far).

The welfare argument (against welfare) is that you create lazy people by offering those who truly need it a way to get essentials that they need. Because in effect, you're also allowing those who don't really need it, but "qualify" based on some generic standard to also receive these "necessities".

I see both sides of the topic, but helping those in true need outweighs (to me) the cost of the potential for the "opportunists" who are "gaming" the system.

Anyway.. keep working hard. In time, if you put enough energy and focus into something, life often finds a way to reward you!


I think some people here are missing the point...I think there's no argument about work or working hard - especially if people can work hard in shorter hours and the work has something to do with their passion. It can be quite smarter to be efficient. The point of my article is 'working less' which does not equate to laziness or social welfare lol. Not 12 hours a day, that is the point. Honestly, I don't know where did you get all of that in your comment...I hope it's not something coming from deep inside lol. Who would not want to have more time with important things in life - like loved ones? If working for long hours ≠ 'working hard' has serious and apparent effects on mental well being of people, why defend and support it? There's no argument anymore that more time with family, leisure, hobbies would make anyone truly happy.

Anyway.. keep working hard. In time, if you put enough energy and focus into something, life often finds a way to reward you!

Ok same to you lol. I hope this article didn't trigger you. I'm not really writing about anyone in particular but some followers choose to be affected lol. Anyway, we can just be open-minded about ideas even if they are not true to ourselves at this point.

The article didn't trigger me in any way ☺️ I'm sorry if it came across like that.

I think we all feel like we're working hard. To your point though, it's the dream to be able to work less and still live a happy life! I'd love to not have to work and be able to sustain my lifestyle and support my family.

I agree that working long hours doesn't equate to working hard. Some people do it simply for perception, but the only thing they're really doing at the end of the day is hurting themselves, and probably their future productivity.

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