What Does Your Screen Name Say About You?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Screen names can open up an entire new spectrum of possibility.  

We get to present ourselves or become who we want to be, simply by sharing ourselves through a name.  Most of us still carry the name we were given at birth, whether or not it resonates with who we feel we are now.  Choosing a new name for one's self  is quite a powerful opportunity.  It's interesting to attempt to fit into a label that represents who you really are.

When I set out to make my account here on Steemit, I immediately knew I would use the name EverLove.  

EverLove is the name given to me years ago by @quinneaker, and I have never used it in any public forum before.  
I really love using this name, as I feel it is my quest to find and experience the love beyond all space and time, the love that heals all, the love that is ever-lasting and eternal.  Every time I see or hear EverLove, I am reminded to stand in love, especially with myself. 

My photo transformation gifted to me by @yoganarchista!!

When we were at Steemfest1, it was a bit awkward introducing ourselves to our new Steemian friends, as we fumbled between introducing ourselves by our everyday names, or with our screen names. I hadn't even considered how using a different name would affect me in real life, as I have only ever gone by my given name Shellie. We did mostly end up calling each other by our Steemit name, which helped us to feel connected, and made things a lot less confusing for sure.  

Our screen names may tell a lot about us.  
So in that light, here are a few of interest I feel are worth a mention:

@firepower (True to his nature.)
@mrs.steemit (A beautiful young woman with incredible leadership qualities, setting the standards high for Steemit)
@papa-pepper (One of the most prolific, enjoyable and authentic people bringing great value to Steemit--into gardening amongst many other things, and spreading the spiciness around, including hot peppers and seed to the @gardenofeden!)
@onceuponatime  (Classic!  I spent time with him at Steemfest.  This screen name suits him perfectly!)
@allgoodthings (Sent some harmonic chimes to the @gardenofeden.  Definitely has some good things to share!)
@mumofmany (I can relate to that!)
@glitterfart (who doesn't laugh every time they hear this name?)
@inuk (Inuk is from Greenland.  I understand that Inuk means "human")
We also have an @inok at the @gardenofeden.  @inok is the author of @truelovelives
@babyboybob (hmmm...what's the story behind this?)
@giraffeonskates (An incredibly gifted 12 year old artist.)
@girlbeforemirror (Doing lots of introspection while healing herself from illness)
@mrssignificant (An artist who makes powerful contributes to the Collaborative Art Journey)
@nonameslefttouse  (Hahaha...a good one!)
@uglysweater  (an interesting choice!)
@pancakesex (what does that even mean? Do I even want to know?!)

I would love to hear how you came about your screen name and if you're now happy with your choice.

Also, give us some screen names that strike you funny or you think are clever.


Great post. Many people don't think of these things critically. It's not just screen names, but email addresses and even the filename on your resume. I haven't met a hiring manager yet, who would seriously consider [email protected]'s resume, myresumay.pdf.

Back when I used to play World of Warcraft (don't hate!) I spent a lot of time coming up with creative and original character names. In digital spaces, your name is your identity!

My screen name says "Ooohhhh pretty pictures of stuff! I should go upvote...." :-)

Thanks for the compliment "Ooohhhh pretty pictures of stuff! I should go upvote...." That says it all!!

I remember when I took screen names, etc. very lightly. I have since realized the power they have and how important it is to choose wisely. It seems like you've had lots of opportunity to play the game of names. No hating from my end on World of Warcraft...one of my favorite people on the planet played to the extremes and is oh so much more empowered and capable because of it. Good for you.

Thanks :) I stopped gaming several years ago to focus on music, art, and photography. It's been time well spent!

All worthy endeavors in and of themselves. Glad you're here @fotosdenada.

Hi there, glad you asked! my name is the combination of the word anomie plus the letter j. Anomie is a french word which etymologically means "lack of norms, lack of rules" (I'm not being pedantic by using a french word, it's my native langage) . Basically, this word represents what most people wrongfully associate with anarchy: chaos, destruction. In reality anarchy is about fighting the existence of violent states/masters . While I wouldn't call myself an anarchist anymore, I definitely hate the unjustified stigmatisation of anarchy. It is also a reminder that I too once thought that anarchy=chaos; it's a reminder to stay humble and to know that you can be terribly wrong and biased, despite how smart you think you are.

As for the "j" part: a few years ago "anomie" was taken so I added a letter randomly, and then i kinda stuck with it :)

I am thankful for your reply @anomiej. I'm glad to know that about your name.

it's a reminder to stay humble and to know that you can be terribly wrong and biased, despite how smart you think you are.

Very well said!!!!

Someone just mentioned in a reply today that he picked up on how my handle mocks the Bohemian Grove's cremation of care ritual. Creation is a way better ritual imo ;)

Hahaha---I would agree with that @creationofcare. It can be quite the surprise what other's interpret things to be. Thanks for the reply. I appreciate your engagement.

Mine is pretty self-explanatory....first name + city I live in

I can see it is that for those who know you, but tariq is a very unusual name in my part of the world anyway. Makes sense to me now! Thanks for your comment.

It's my name, the one I've always had, the one my ma and pa thought up for me :)

I do have a gamer name for some games that encourage anonymity, but I can't out myself here.

In Second Life, I was Grey Pinkerton because you had to have another name and so I used Grey (which is an English translation of Lloyd) and Pinkerton because my then wife had a cabaret act called Mrs Pinkerton-Lovely, so obviously I was Mr Pinkerton.

To me, it's a bit like having a tattoo, I haven't (yet) found a name that I'd rather use and identify with. In the same way as I haven't (yet) found an image that I'd want to have permanently on my skin.

Oh so you have "been" someone else, a time or two!! Mr. Pinkerton -- but of course!!

I am experimenting with this @everlove name and I believe I would much prefer it to a tattoo that would be of a more permanent statement. I agree with you on that @lloyddavis. Thanks for the comment. It's great to see you around again!

Thanks I hope we can collaborate again soon!

I hope so too @lloyddavis!! That would be a blessing.

I'm not sure how I feel about my name - I picked it three or four years ago (before steemit) in the hope for a better economy (I guess?) that's based on connection rather than competition and corruption. I had never heard of the blockchain back then.
Now I believe the blockchain is bringing us exactly that - a connected economy.
Only I can't imagine anyone calling me by that name at steemfest 😄

Great vision--I agree with the importance, honor and value in that!!

Used @connecteconomy before and then you decided to use it on Steemit too, which really does fit right in with what is going on here. It will be interesting to see what people call you at Steemfest--I'm sure whatever you want to be called. Thanks for your comment. I'm excited to meet you.

Me too! Your name is easy to remember :)

All the crypto people get a bit confusing---so many versions of that. I think there are only a few of us "love"s...@loveon, @ilovedietcoke......? Glad you remember the love!

I'm a little bit "salty" about my screen name just because I didn't make it anything special lol. Just pretty much my name. Obviously should have put more thought into it now that I realize I can't change it. Make a new account? Probably not worth it... I'll try to just keep my head up and move on :P Nice post!

I think when we made our screen names we didn't really know how they would affect us. I never really thought I would meet the Steemians so using any name other than my birth name didn't really seem like a problem at all. It has turned out not to be a problem and I love my screen name, but it was certainly an interesting shift being called by a name I had never used before. I was wondering if people wished to change their screen name now that they have experience with it. Perhaps a little too late in the game to start again. Thanks for your comment @macolonna.

Mine says healthy food recipes. I know I am plain :P

It speaks for itself!!! Good job getting right to the point @healthyrecipe!

Thank you :)

I am honored to be worthy of mention! Thank you so much!
Your name has been so memorbale to me since I've joined this platform; it's simply lovely! 😊
My name was something I chose because it makes me laugh and it is so much fun! My husband has called my taste in sweaters ugly since we've been together, so I just joined him and called them ugly, too! So I thoroughly enjoy my ugly sweaters. I delight in silliness. 😄

YES!!! I delight in silliness too! You have chosen quite a catchy name and makes me crack a smile when I see it. Thanks for consistently bringing on the fun. I love that our husband was in on it too---nothing like a team effort! Thanks for your comment @uglysweater!!

So glad I can bring you a smile! 😁
Thanks again for the mention! Keep on with the love! 💓

Grateful for that!!! And you're welcome. Let's keep spreading the love around! <3

Betelzeus came from me not being able to find a name that wasn't taken already , although the names I tried before weren't very original :)

First it was Zeus (and no I'm not a megalomaniac haha) , just because I like mythology. Then it was Betelgeuse , because I am a big fan of astronomy. And there were some other ones too that I had tried , but because those two were already in use other places , I just decided to combine the two ... and it's stuck ever since. :)

Aha! Very clever of you. I got in with no problem in choosing a name that wasn't picked. At least you came up with one that is interesting and that pertains to you. I appreciate your taking time to respond. Great name!