
Every day if I'm driving anywhere in town I have to fight school traffic, and then those damned busses, all that wasted fuel, when there's an internet waiting to be incorporated into the education system today. Ah, whenever I come back from my imaginary future, reality seems so harsh.

I was a school bus driver for a few years. From that contact with the public school system as well as being a parent my conclusion is that SchoolDistricts are STOOPID.

Why the HELL do they put the schools on the major THRU-roads in town? There's no way to cross town without going thru multiple school zones. THAT's stoopid.

When I was growing up in the of the major attractions to buying a home was whether or not it was close to a school. I walked to school (or rode my bicycle) until I got old enough to buy a motorcycle.
Now they buss kids across town even if there's a school two blocks away..THATS STOOPID.

when the weather was bad (rain snow, tornados) did they close school? :Not likely. I'd drive my bus out into the country (I had a route that was 70 miles long) pick up the kids..bring them to school...for half a day. They'd close early due to bad weather...then drive them back home again. What the hell could they do in fifteen minute classes? They spent most of their time moving from room to room
THAT's STOOPID...(and fricking dangerous)

and the list goes on and on.

When the last public school building is torn down...I won't shed any tears.

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