Off to the upcoming “Most Crypto-Friendly City in the World”, Loutraki, Greece! (Part 1)

in #life7 years ago

Off to the upcoming “Most Crypto-Friendly City in the World”, Loutraki, Greece!

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The flights from Terrace to Vancouver, Vancouver to Munich were pretty straight forward despite the roughest “tzulve-minuten-fleigen-rutter-zu-das-flughaven-im-sehr-windich-und-holperiges luft”, a.k.a. “twelve-minutes-air-pocket-filled landing”, I have ever encountered in my life… Many were filling the little white bags of their stomach content freshly filled with some of the tastiest airplane food I had ever tried, quite a few were scared for their lives letting out mumbling prayers, others whimpered.

After over twenty hours of travelling, not factoring in the ferry crossing or the drive over to Terrace, reality started to blur a bit and the long six hour stuck in Munich Airport seemed liked half a day! Though the flight over the Canadian tundra, the arctic and the ice cap of Greenland were an astonishingly beautiful sight to behold in the slow-motion dimming light of the sunset, the desire to photograph the whole scenery only came fleeting across my mind a few times. After all, I was going out of North America for the very first time, I was going to Greece!

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The flight on Lufthanza over to Germany was an absolute delight. Nothing to compare with the usual Air Canada Economy class I usually fly on. Their economy class was more like what Air Canada calls Business Class! It was a bit surreal, but greatly appreciated. The space between the seats, their width accompanied by an individual screen for every single seat, the quality of their scrumptious meals and the service was simply outstanding.

In a daze, I walked on the cold hard marbled floors past the overwhelming scents of perfumes and “Duty Free” area, continued as far and as quickly as possible toward booths where fresh organic vegetables and fruits were displayed. The food here looked appealing, not like the over processed, if not unnatural, foods found in other parts for the world… There was pride in their nutrition, it was obvious, and I highly value nutrition. After all, the the #1 medicine we can invest in is the food we eat everyday. I enjoyed a freshly squeezed orange juice and found myself a decadent sandwich to munch on while waiting for the plane to Athens.

I played a game while people watching. I thought, let’s try to find out which area of the world the people who came across me came from. From their genetic look, to their outfits to their general demeanour I’d try to decipher and find proof in their language, when I could hear. It was, to some extent, a surprise to me to come to realize that most fit the analysis. Reflecting on this matter, I came to realize the extent to which we find a lot of diversity in cities such as Vancouver or Montreal, Canada. Even Quebec City, the “Big Village” where I come from originally doesn’t allow such preconception to find truth in its precepts. There is so much diversity, genetically, fashion wise and even on the behavioural demeanours…

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The flight from Munich to Athens was super smooth straight from the beginning, none of that turbulence from the earlier atmospheric conditions, though a colossal cumulus nimbus seemed rather foreboding. The sun was setting quickly. In the foreground, the North-Italian Alps rose and passed by, the Mediterranean Sea started to extend its reaching the land we flew over all the way into the embrace of the night.

The soothing state I found myself in gradually moved into a bit of a euphoric state. I was finally on my way to Athens. To top it all, I was soon going to see and hang out with my close friend from way back, @onceuponatime, who had not only cordially invited me over but paid out of his heart the very generous cryptocurrency cost of this whole trip! I thought from the get go, I must have friends in very high places to be given such an opportunity and gift for such a friend. Within minutes, the plane was full and an epic cryptocurrency conversation started, the third one in three planes I had taken. I guess it was really a crypto currency trip and definitely played the role of crypto-diplomat for STEEM, BITSHARES, EOS and the now famous HERO.

A former marketer for GOOGLE, the man sitting beside me, accompanied by his new born son and his wife, was on his way to Athens to attend a wedding on his wife’s side of the family. He told me that he was now working for the best digital advertisement company in the world, G2! The conversation became very lively quicker than we could lift off the ground, sometimes sparring sometimes colluding the conversation was vibrant and full moving in and out of the realms of digital information and lasted till our safe landing.

Charged by the trip, Greece itself and eager to see @onceuponatime, the energies allowed me to reacquire a keen awareness and, after warm salutations to one of our new accomplice in the liberation of this digital conscious that is gaining terrain on the global level, it was time to get my luggage and reconvene with the person who has brought to me the consciousness awakening of cryptocurrencies.

Clad in traditional white cotton, can in hand, following his hip surgery (, we grinned at each other, two childlike hearts, and quickly moved on to a cab waiting for us outside as we passed from the cool and comfortable A/C air to a thick 30 degrees Celsius wall. It was midnight after all, Athens time, and we still had an hour to go before reaching our final destination that night, so I thought…

The local Loutraki Taxi driver played traditional Greek music for us, and covered the trip on the deserted highway in a snap. It was but a sign of the time. After all, I was told soon enough, lights, speed limits, lanes and stops signs are but optional in Greece!?! I still wish I would have had buy camera to prove it and share this madness with the rest of the world. That may very well be for another time. Strangely enough, I cross my fingers! Being in God’s hands is the last resort one finds to convince oneself to let go and letting be while traveling in such rigours.

An hour later, we’re let off at the Door of our little hotel. We drop off my baggage in my room and, lead by my host eagerness and my desire to go with this indomitable pace, we went and enjoyed an hour stroll along the sea calming my waters and grounding me for a very solid night sleep while my room cooled down to an air conditioned 24 degrees. Tired to the core of my bones, my first hour spent in Loutraki was on all levels dreamlike, among a strong proud and laid-back community, thriving to be prosperous and happy, a resort destination for many in the heart of this Eurasian Basin. Simply said, an unimaginable 5 days had started in this dazed and surreal introduction to a city ripe to slowly become the “Most Crypto-Friendly City in the World”.

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Now that we are finally in Loutraki, stay tuned for the soon to be released next episode of this unbelievable crypto-trip, among some very notorious and immensely good-hearted Steemians, Mediterranean air, sacred spaces, Greek art and divine foods for my very first time out of North-American soil.

Till then, keep on thriving, Steeming, smiling and taking good care of your selves and loved ones,

Namaste :)


Thanks for sharing a good post, loved the beautiful pics. :)

Thanks a bunch, it is my pleasure really! Namaste :)

I really enjoyed your writing manages to put one right there in your shoes...looking forward to the next episode...thanx

Thanks a lot, I'm really glad you have enjoyed and look forward to sharing the next one soon. What do you mean by "manages to put one right there in your shoes", I didn't catch that one?

Namaste :)

I guess that's a transliteration can't judge a man ( or know him) unless you've walked in his moccasins for 2 reading your article is like living the experience oneself...( like walking in your shoes)...(does that make any sense?)

I hear ya!

Glad you have had this experience reading my post and hope to keep feeding my readers' soul with this same spirit. I take it as a compliment and thank you for it.

Namaste :)

I wish you a wonderful and relaxing crypto trip in Greece.
Hope to see more of these beautiful hiking pics like the last one in this post.

I did have a great time out there and, as you are underlining at the end of your comment, there is in deed a lot more photographs of natural settings coming up in the next post coming up very very soon...

Thanks for the kind words and namaste :)

Thank you Eric, you're writing skills are excellent, I didn't expect less after all your wonderful comments I have read in my 3 month steemit journey. You are lucky you could make this trip and go for the first time to europe. I don't think it was your last time. I am also very curious what the plans are from @onceuponatime to make this the cryptiest place on earth.. I am waiting for it.. I hoop to go to Loutraki in the spring of 2018.. I already sharing some posts with my GF to show the place.. Hopefully meet some fellow steemians also.
Thank you again for this post..

What a great comment!

Thanks a lot for your very kind words, I appreciate, as always. In deed, much blessings, I can't even count them there are too many!!! ;) In the following posts, I'll be underlining some aspect of the planning in regards to the turning Loutraki as the Crypto-Friendliest Place on Earth and this, as usual, will get a load of photography to support the beauty of the place and the sharing that occurred while I was there.

I have the feeling that if you connected with @onceuponatime, who wrote up here in the comments too, that you two could make things happen... Just a thought. Loutraki is so very beautiful and has a special aura. I'm sure you and your GF will be able to enjoy some seriously good times out there. Most hopefully by then you will have had the opportunity to meet with some of the notorious Steemians I refer to in the articles relating to this story.

Keep on taking good care, smiling, thriving and namaste :)

thank you.. did you ever see a carnival lit parade... I have plenty more.. It's such a nice event.

I grew up with the "Carnaval de Québec" and never missed one till I moved to British Columbia... The parades are a spectacle and a half, if you can endure the cold, usually the coldest day of the year ends up being on the Downtown Parade night!

I'm so glad you got to experience some of its spirit while being there, thanks a lot for sharing and namaste :)

That first picture is so 100% vacational that everybody might envy you now (in a healthy way) :)
Lufthansa is just the best, I can totally relate. It's my very favourite airline for transatlantic flights - great prices, much comfort and excellent service. You definitely chose the best way to start your vacation in Europe.

Within minutes, the plane was full and an epic cryptocurrency conversation started, the third one in three planes I had taken. I guess it was really a crypto currency trip and definitely played the role of crypto-diplomat

Isn't it amazing how often that is happening lately? More and more people get into the market, and no matter where you're going or who you start talking to: you've got always something to chat about.

Enjoy your crypto trip and the company of your generous friend! :-)
Looking forward to reading part no. 2.

I totally hear you on this happening more and more often these days!

I did enjoy the trip immensely and look forward to sharing the next episode very soon.

Keep on taking good care, safe travels, thrive on and namaste! :)

i can recall your stories of epic experiences. I posted a picture of you jammin' it out with us within one hour of your return to Canada.

I'm glad the stories ring a bell and know that there were a lot more where it came from! ;) It was so cool to see the stories continue on your post, what is the link to it again?

Namaste :)

I am having fun already! Great to see our posts interweave with each other :)

Much more so now... Check out the last one I posted, I just made a quick addition to it. ;)

I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could.

- Mahatma Gandhi

I can only agree with this quote, but would like to know why it is here...

Mahatma Gandhi is one of the most respected yogis and guru in my books, thanks for sharing the quote.

Namaste :)

Before Loutraki was called "THERMAE" ; so that says enough why it is so good overthere!
I like the pictures and how you did enjoy your stay. Hope you could travel much more an meet friends ! Thanks!

Thanks a lot for the extra goodness you leave me with!

It sure deserved its name, as you will see in the next post. The location is on a hot spring where thermal vents bring to the surface warm waters to bath in. The old name refers to these facts.Cool piece of information. I sure enjoyed my stay and also wish to be able to do a lot more of that travelling in the future, most hopefully back out to Loutraki as well.

Meeting new people is one of my favourite thing to do and travelling sure does bring a lot of social bathing that way. ;)

Stay tuned for "Part 2" coming up very soon! Namaste :)

I would love to visit the Greek Isles in spite of the hot weather. Your beautiful writing skills shine through and I feel I was on the trip to Greece as well. Looking forward to the next posts.

Thank you so very much for the kind words, I'm so glad you felt the way you did while reading it. It is my intent to try to transfer the experience I have had to the reader, it is an honour to know that you did feel this way. Namaste :)

"The crypto-friendliest place on earth"


Is this picture A hint of Whats coming in loutraki?

10/4! ;) Namaste :)

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