19 Years Old and In Hell - Michigan Mother Recount and Timeline of Husband's Alleged Rape of His Own Children By CPS - An Interview

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Interview requests, social media chat requests, phones calls and emails have been pouring in since I have announced my full support for the @familyprotection movement on my third party social platforms...OUR VOICES WILL BE HEARD.

After interviewing four individuals this evening, (three others were interviewed earlier today in the writing of https://steemit.com/life/@entrepreneur916/cassie-s-story-rewarding-the-abuser-in-california), I felt this particular case was in need to additional exposure and could shed some light and companionship to others in the community that may have gone through the same situation and be too embarrassed to speak about it or feels nobody will believe them.

Below is an chat based interview I had with “Trina” from Michigan about her particular case. As always the real name of the interviewee is anonymous for protection and retaliation. Also keep in mind that this is a RAW Interview, with editing done to make sure the story is comprehensive and major spelling errors are current. Profanity, slang and "text" language will be present;

Begin Interview

Trina, that you so much for contacting me and being willing to speak on this horrific topic. I know your largest concern and what you have faced with other support groups is the lack of belief of what you have endured. Being a former employee of the government is related fields, I can attest that many do not know just how far the corruption goes. I have read your initial story and the timelines match, the story is feasible and in my opinion, based on your emotional involvement in telling it, that this story is largely based on truth. We at at @familyprotection will do whatever we can to get exposure to your story and get your voice heard. We are here with you.

So Trinia, When did this all start?


In what state was this?


How old were you?


What was your marital status when this started?

Unmarried but living with babies daddy.

Did you work? Were you on any assistance?

Didn't work at the time. Received food stamps and Medicaid

Tell me, what happened?

1998 : An anonymous call was made over a dirty house call.. cps came looked told me what needed to be done, gave 7 days and it was done case closed.

1999 -2000: Anonymous calls over dirty house here and there. Didn't matter what they always found something gave 7 days then closed the case.

Sept 2000: Threw out my oldest children's father.

2000-2003: There were many calls. Most months cps was there every other week with some kind of claim (everything from dirty house to vicious dogs) while I was pregnant with child number 4 in 2002-2003 the calls had became so bad cps was there weekly and my oldest (at the time was 4) would run, hide and cry if an unknown car pulled in.. the stress was so bad I almost lost my pregnancy. All this was going on due to a custody dispute between myself and my oldest 2 children's father. While I was in the hospital after having an emergency c-section I received calls from cps (at the hospital) demanding I give temporary custody of my oldest 2 children to their father or they would remove all my children the moment I went home. Gave the ex custody and all the cps calls stopped for the most part just a stray one here or there 'cuz I pissed someone off.

Dec 2012: A call was made on me for not having power in my home and having the children there. Cps came saw that we were not there but left the case open for 5 months (saying it was so I could get additional help with getting a new home) I ended up leaving the country and they closed the case.

Dec 2014: A call was made due to my son’s behavior and the case ended up closed in 30 days.

July 7, 2015.: At 430 pm there was a knock on my door. I answered the door and there was 2 cps workers and a police officer.. i asked what the accusations were the workers were hesitant but told me there was an accusation of sexual assault against 1 or more of my children. (I had 4 of my children with me. Oldest by this time was 18.) I asked the worker if she wanted to question my children on the spot and she said she did then came in Sat down and didn't talk to any of the kids. I of course at this point filled with anger told her to get her ass out of my chair it was for guest and she was not a guest. She then went outside and called my husband's parole agent and told him that she wanted him arrest and violated 'cuz he had sexually assault his children.

At this point there wasn't any proof. The workers made me find someone who the children could stay with for what I was told over night and I did so. My father drove 30 mins to pick them up the police officer and workers stayed there till after my children left with my father.. the police officer had called my husband who wasn't home at the time told him he wanted to talk to him and see where his head was and then he could come home an hr later he was arrested for sexual assault.

Following day my father and I talked and thought it best to take the children to have a sexual assault exam ran at the hospital to take away any and all doubts. We took them in the results were no signs of sexual assault. The hospital called cps and told the worker that. My father dropped me and the children off at home and within 15 mins of being home the leader worker and officer were at my home telling me that I was a horrible mother for taking the kids to have the exam run and that it wasn't forensically done and I was not to have my children back in my home. My father came back and got the kids to shut cps up.

From there they questioned my children days later. 3 of them said nothing had ever happened and they had no clue what the other one that made the claim was talking about. Even tho the 1 that said she was raped claimed that my oldest son had walked in on it.

Eventually we started all the court stuff. We were in and out of the courtroom for 12 months. No evidence to Terminate rights but they kept going after it and this was while the state was trying to prosecute my husband criminally.
Every time the criminal case was set for a trial date we'd go in and there would be no jury no nothing just another date.
During all this cps had a therapist coming to the house weekly and they case worker was never heard from again other than in the courtroom.

Jan 2016 - Dec 2016: While in family court I got handed a new worker. He at least did his monthly visits.

May 2016: my youngest daughter had started to spiral out of control telling me she could do whatever she wanted and I couldn't stop her 'cuz if I tried she'd just lie to cps.

During this my husband and I had decided since we weren't getting anywhere with a trial we felt it in the best interest of out children to get him home asap and we agreed to take a high misdemeanor plea in which after it was taken we filed an appeal against due to being threatened by the judge.

During May cps had sent in a new therapist 'cuz they other therapist closed out the case for reasons of no need for therapy we were doing just fine.

Well this new therapist decided that my out of control child ( 12 at the time) was sexually active with a 17 yr old boy she was friends with ( 17 yr old boy has mental delays so mentally he was age 12ish) they both denied having sex. But my daughter had been running away and was discovered in the home of a 23 yr old man. I had suspicions that she had become sexually active in the beginning of may so I was trying to get her on birth control ( not as approval of having sex but as a safety precaution if she was 'cuz I know in reality there was no stopping her) well said therapist had decided to lie to cps saying that my daughter and said boy admitted to having sex. I had talked to said it's grandfather who was a truck driver about a trip that they wanted to take and wanted my daughter to go too. We as adults thought well after 2-4 on the road stuck in a semi truck they'd probably get sick of each other and not want to hang out any more so it was agreed between us as adults that she could go.

June 24,2016: I had gotten my youngest and appoint for birth control and when I arrived to the appointment the therapist was there and told me my daughter couldn't go on said trip and that cps was taking my children at the court date in a week.. they tried to get me to sign an agreement saying I wouldn't let my daughter go on said trip and I refused, there was no grounds for it. Well, we (therapist, myself and the grandfather) said 2 week trip and then they'd be back and therapist said that works it's ok to go. I did have very choice words with the therapist before all this due to anger that cps was trying to take my kids with no proof at all and was making my life a living nightmare everyday for a year.

At 6:30pm I received a call from said boy that my daughter was put in handcuffs and in the back of a cop car and and ambulance was on it's way.. he said that the police had said she was being taken into custody because cps told them that the two of then were having sex.

I immediately contacted the therapist and asked her if she had told that to cps she denied it and told me that cps intent was to take my kids and it was bigger than this ( I still have pics of these text).

10pm cps showed up with the removal order to take my children. (My at the time 14yr old son had heard what they did to his sister had come home kissed me and said if they want me they gotta catch me. ) My 13 yr old son was with my friend and his mother doing yard work and hadn't made it home yet so I had to call to have him brought home. Cps was there not just 2 works but had brought with them 4 police officers. My 13yr old was scared and angry crying cuz he didn't want to go with them.

July - Aug 2016: I did the court things and found out my 1 son was in a facility and that my daughter was in a juvenile detention center. By July 29th my son's were returned home.

Aug 4: My daughter was being transfer to a facility and was told her brothers were returned home. And at that point she made accusations of sexual assault against a stepfather ( there's no step father) and made claims of hallucination. Same day I was told my sons had to go back to my father's.

Aug 2016 - Jan 2017: I'm back in and out of court being told I'm horrible that I don't believe my daughter's word. And being told that children don't lie ( she had told me that she would do exactly this and it didn't matter 'cuz cps would always believe her) I requested a trial.. after talking with my lawyer and father and husband we had come to the conclusion that there was no real way to reunite our family because she had told these lies. We were afraid if she was put on the stand she would make claims against more people causing bigger issues.

Aug-Jan: I was receiving weekly calls from my daughter begging me to come home and telling me how much she loved me and her asking about both her father and the other man she accused of rape. She even was regularly asking why she couldn't come home. And by Christmas time has said something I felt was very off (she asked if Santa was bringing her presents at the facility. She hadn't believed in Santa since she was 5)

Dec-Jan: Husband I decided it was in everyone's best interest to sign off parental rights to our daughter and give guardianship over to my dad of our sons.

Jan 4th,2017: I received the last phone call from my baby. She had just turned 13 on the 2nd. We talked about her birthday and what they had done for it then she asked me why she wasn't testifying in court the next day. I told her I wasn't allowed to answer that and tried to change the subject. The last words I said to her was that I loved her and we'd talk later and time was up on the call.

Jan 5th, 2017: Went to court and signed the termination of parental rights papers.
The state of Michigan is unable to prosecute either man she accused of rape due to lack of evidence but my husband was given a parole violation in June 2016 for 18 month and the other man received a parole violation based nothing more than her statement (which was full of lies and she admitted to lying about things) and continues to face additional violation time in prison 'cuz they believe her statement and insist on saying that children and females don't lie about sexual assault even though there were 5 people all giving the same statement saying that she said she would do this.

My life has been forever been changed by this and I cry as I tell this story. Eventually my daughter admitted she did have sex with the 23 yr old and they state refuses to prosecute him. And I don't know what they promised my daughter but she doesn't want to speak to me anymore but is allowed to talk with her grandfather and even see him.

Feb 2017: cps showed up at my father's and made calls to me in regards to my daughter claimed that her father made her brother and her perform sex acts with each other

How did CPS get involved?
1998: My aunt got mad because I was renting her house and she was getting evicted and wanted it back
1999-2003: My ex and his mother and my in law would call because my ex’s mother wanted my daughter
2015: A call was made due to texts that were sent between 2 ppl.

Was there any truth to the allegations?

In the beginning there was 'cuz I suffered from extreme depression and at times my house wouldn't be clean. But after awhile there wasn't anything

2016: There's no proof other than the text that didn't have clear names of who and were sent from fake accounts

Did they threaten you? Use police force or illegal tactics?

Yes I was threatened to have all my children taken if I didn't give my ex our daughters in 2003
2015-2017: cps refused to come to my home without the police

What was the result of the actions from the department?

My first son suffers from depression and PTSD now.

I suffer from PTSD now.

What were other negative effects of this situation?

I lost my daughter and my son have lost trust in everyone

If you lost your children, do you have them back?

My sons are with my father my daughter is up for adoption

Did CPS ever investigate your claims?


_Have you had any contact with CPS since? _

Yes. Feb 2017

Do you trust CPS, associated agencies, or the government?

Absolutely NOT

Should CPS and associated agencies be abolished, if not, how should they change?

I feel there is a need because yes some parents do need their children removed but I feel the only way for removal should be if there is criminal charges and found guilty

If you had any words or advice at all for any parents going through this right now, what would you tell them?

Do not let them in. Do not speak to them if you must record everything. Do not think these ppl will help you

Interview End

Even after that whole ordeal,one child is living with father and the other up for adoption. If there is anyone out there that may have some suggestions or advice for "Trina", please let us know. What a horrible situation, but we will keep fighting.

**If you liked this, please see my raw, uncut interviews with my ex-girlfriendand godchild:
Be sure to upvote, resteem and follow if you enjoyed this article. It will help support future interviews and articles.
As always, I would like to than @familyprotection, @canadian-coconut,@thethreehugs, @markwhittam, @steeminganarchy, @canadianrenegade, and everyone else that has been upvoting and giving great feedback on my work for this community so far. I will continue to work heard to bring more quality content to this movement. Any input, ideas or suggestions are welcome.


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This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @entrepreneur916 for supporting @familyprotection.


Hello friends.

Good read, thank you for this. Keep up the good work!

That is crazy. I can totally see how it all snowballed that way though. The government is out of control as it is, and we fund an agency of theirs that has full access to do whatever they'd like to parents basically whenever they see fit.

I have always been terrified of something similar happening to me with my ex. Things have often gotten heated. When things get really bad, I try to do my best to hold my tongue and compromise, even if he is completely wrong, as I don't want to have to face any of the things this poor woman has.

Thanks for sharing this!

She is a strong women, but it took it's toll. She wanted to share this to as many as she could to let people know they are not alone.

Yeah I don't think I would have kept things together as well as she did. This is really depressing.

Yes it is, but she is very happy her story is out.

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

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