BuddyBox (A Hug In A Box) April Review #2 || Emilia Woodhouse

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Firstly, one of the things I LOVE about receiving my BuddyBox every month is when I rip open the shipping packaging open, the beautiful sweet smells that come from the box. It sparks my curiosity. What could it be? Research has proven that people respond positively and instantly feel good to sweet smelling things. 

This month's box is the FULL box, whereas last months was only a LITE one. This one is SO much better. 

Check out last month’s BuddyBox March Review #1


Life is stressful.

With so many competing demands for our time and energy, there’s little left over for us.We come last. Our needs are side-lined, our wants are ignored: we’re too busy to look after ourselves.

But when our well being becomes an afterthought, it impacts on our health. We feel frazzled, wrung out, and disconnected. And eventually, we crash.

The BuddyBox is a subscription box with substance, designed to counter the pressures we face in modern life. Packed full of thoughtful, mood-lifting treats, the BuddyBox comforts, delights and gives you that warm, ‘I’ve been cared for’ feeling inside.

In other words – it’s a hug in a box. 

This month's box is the regular brown paper box with blue writing with images of Saturn (my favourite planet), a rocket and the stars on the front. 

In this month's box I received:

  • You’re a Badass Book by Jen Sincero
  • Starlight Blaster
  • Don’t Be Afraid To Shine Pouch  
  • We Are Tea Glow Tea
  • You’re Outta This World (Rocket) Enamel Pin
  • Inspirational Quote 
  • Issue 7: Blurt Zine

1. Starlight Blaster.
An indescribably amazing smelling bath bomb. As you guessed from the picture, one Sunday afternoon I ran myself a bath and had some me time. I've never used a bath bomb before and from what I gather Blurt include these more often than not so I can't wait to receive another.  

2. You’re Outta This World (Rocket) Enamel Pin and You’re a Badass Book.
Who doesn't love a good pin?
I have read SO many good reviews on this book. That's next on the reading list. 

3. Inspirational Quote "Don't Worry If You're Making Waves Simply By Being Yourself, The Moon Does It All The Time" and  Issue 7: Blurt Zine.
I love a good inspirational quote and I've never heard this one. I'm going to put this in a photo frame and hang it on my wall. The magaZINE gives more self care tips and advice highlighting how important it is to take time out of your day just for you!

4.  Don’t Be Afraid To Shine Pouch.
Which I intend to use as a pencil case or makeup bag. 

5. We Are Tea Glow Tea, for skin radiance.
I made myself a cuppa last night when writing this post. I'm usually a herbal tea kinda girl; green, peppermint or any yogi tea, so drinking a black tea was a rare experience. Although, it tasted very bitter at first, I added a dash of milk and sugar and it was delicious. 


Did it make me happy?

As receiving both the Lite box and the Full box now, I definitely recommend you purchasing the full one. As soon as I opened the box I felt a surge of excitement travel through me, for me that is a rare feeling. Not much in this world truly excites me. I’m excited to read the book and see what gems are revealed, I’m excited to run a nice hot bath and use my bath bomb and I’m excited to make myself a good olde brew. 

Before receiving the box I was a bit skeptical as it costs £21.50 for the full box which could be seen as a bit excessive. HOWEVER, I will state now that I was wrong. It’s not just the items that you pay for but also you are supporting the cause “To Increase Awareness and Understanding of Depression”. We all suffer with depression and other mental health issues at some point in our lives, why wait until you are despairing and suffering to start taking care of yourself. 

After having received two one off boxes I have now taken the plunge and signed up for a month to month subscription. May’s theme is "Couldn’t Give A Monkey’s"  


I hope you have enjoyed this post.  

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