The Hug In A Box; A Helping Hand For Those Who Suffer With Depression. The Blurt Foundation BuddyBox Review

in #life7 years ago (edited)

On Saturday morning, I woke up feeling so depressed and emotional. I spent most of the day in tears, which isn’t like me and I don’t tend to cry that much. However, how I was feeling Saturday was out the ordinary. Nothing major had particularly happened, I just think a build up from the past few weeks had got to me and I just had to express the feelings that I had pushed down. 

Anyway, approximately 11:30 my doorbell rang, I got out of bed and it was the postman. He was here to deliver my BuddyBox from The Blurt Foundation

If you haven’t heard about The Blurt Foundation, then I am SO pleased that I am the person to introduce you to this. They are a charity that increase and spread awareness and understanding on mental health, depression being their main focus. 

 Life is stressful.

With so many competing demands for our time and energy, there’s little left over for us.We come last. Our needs are side-lined, our wants are ignored: we’re too busy to look after ourselves.

But when our wellbeing becomes an afterthought, it impacts on our health. We feel frazzled, wrung out, and disconnected. And eventually, we crash.

The BuddyBox is a subscription box with substance, designed to counter the pressures we face in modern life.Packed full of thoughtful, mood-lifting treats, the BuddyBox comforts, delights and gives you that warm, ‘I’ve been cared for’ feeling inside.

In other words – it’s a hug in a box. 

The BuddyBox IS “a hug in a box”. It is a subscription service that assists in easing the pressure we face in our daily life. At least once a month (when you receive your box) you will receive a themed box every month - this month it is about being your own superhero - packed full of thoughtful and mood lifting goodies, making you feel comforted and knowing that you have been “cared for”.  

They have two options for you to choose from, depending on your budget:

♥ The BuddyBox for £21.50 plus P+P if outside the UK - you will receive at least 5 full-size quality products hand-picked to nourish, inspire and encourage self-care 


♥ The BuddyBox Lite for £12.00 plus P+P if outside the UK - you will receive at least 3 full-size quality products hand-picked to nourish, inspire and encourage self-care 

(as this was my first month, I opted for the Lite version, April's box will be the full sized £21.50 option)

Going back to Saturday, I opened the parcel and I could immediately smell something gorgeous and sweet, I was intrigued. So I opened the subtly designed brown box and out fell a whole load of goodies....

Inside My March Lite BuddyBox: 

Empowering “Be Your Own Super Hero Cards”:

These are amazing. I just love a set of cards that I can shuffle (which is calming in itself) when I am feeling stressed or down and receive a message from "the universe"

Dreams and Aspiration Notebook:

Notepads are one of my favourite self care items. There are SO many ways you can journal; do a “mind dump”, write down all the good things that happened to you that day, a gratitude journal or as stated on the front cover; for dreams and aspirations.

My Favorite Superhero Card and Zero To Hero Bath Mallow (the beautiful sweet smell):

I can’t wait to run a lovely hot bath and use my bath bomb. Because like stated on the “Inside the box card”, because even the mightiest superheroes need down time too. 


I must admit, I was a little disappointed with what was included however that was my own fault as I opted for the Lite Box. 

Did it make me happy? Long term, well no, but short term yes, it made me feel better the whole day I received it as I was feeling so low. I’m sure the Full Box next month will be much better. 

I just love the whole idea of a BuddyBox, there was SO many ways Blurt can go with it, self care comes in all different forms. I wholeheartedly support what the Blurt Foundation does, whether I continue to purchase the BuddyBoxes or simply donate, I will be involved somehow.  

If you'd like to join me and give next months box a try (April 2017) then make sure you place your order by 31st March 2017 to receive your box sometime during the second week of April. The theme is "You're Outta This World" 

I hope you have enjoyed this post.  

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I know you wrote this a while ago, but I'm just reading some of your old posts! I think you can buy former buddy boxes online for a while as well as the current month they are shipping out to people, can't you?

I think u can buy old buddy boxes online 👍🏼

I've just checked and you're absolutely right.
And the money goes to a fantastic charity.

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