PersonalWealth #3 - Value your time

in #life7 years ago


I’ve studied for a year now people’s behaviour in their free time, and mine much earlier, thing that made me realize how valuable TIME is, and I’ve decided to take action this way.

At the beginning I used to waste much of my time on serials, video games, Facebook, small talks etc. After graduating faculty, I was employed by an IT company. Being my first job I was happy with it, but in time I became very disappointed when I realized that I have to spend eight hours per day working there, plus one hour at lunch break and one more hour wasted on my way to work and back home. That was the first time when I realized that ten hours per day of my life are gone and I can’t do anything about it.


Being free

Four years later, I’ve started attending a few entrepreneurial and financial trainings which made me decide to quit my job and starting on my own. It was a great period of my life.I was working from home six hours per day, and I was payed twice as much as I used to earn on my previous job. I was living the life that I think, anyone is dreaming about: working from wherever you find internet connection, just six hours per day and being well paid.

But since nothing lasts forever after one year of freedom I had to go back to a normal workplace, to the rat race. It was my fault, because instead focusing on what was important for me in that period and instead valuing my free time, I wasted much of it by waking up late, procrastinating a lot of actions, wasting time on Facebook and doing a lot of unimportant phone call discussions.

Each time I am looking back I always ask myself : Why I didn't spend my time wisely even if I knew about its importance? But life teaches us a lesson for each mistake we make.


Waking up

My real "wake up” was after I got married. When you have a family you want to spend as much time as you can with your wife and kids.
It is very frustrating when you have to stay apart from your family ten hours per day, and you realize you’d do anything to escape from that rat race.

I felt trapped and disappointed with all this situation. At that moment it was the first time when I realized the real importance of time and decided to take some actions, in order to find a solution.


Taking action

So, I‘ve started thinking how should I divide my time during the day. I’ve made a list of my actions for one day. This is what I found and how it looks like:

I take a shower;
I take breakfast;
I spend 15 minutes with my wife and my child;
I go to work;
I work for 4 hours;
I have lunch;
I work for another 4 hours;
I go back home - sometimes I go shopping before going home;
I have dinner;
I spend time with my wife and my baby;
I go to bed;

At first I was scared at the thought I won’t have enough time to do anything else but work. But after a detailed analysis, I’ve discovered that the only free time I have is :

On my way to work - I am going by bus;
During our long meetings at work;
At lunch;
In the short breaks during the day;
On my way back home;

Realizing how important time is, I can’t afford wasting it anymore. I often analyze people on the bus, and I see how they’re wasting their time on Facebook or playing video games on their phones.

I don’t want to hear anyone from now on that they don’t have time to do something.

Right now I’m in a long meeting and I am writing this article, while my fellows are playing Candy Crush or scrolling Facebook news feed articles.

I’ve started investing my time reading about how to have a free life and escape from the rat race. This way, I’ve found Steemit and decided to give all my best, by writing valuable articles, because I know that giving value to people, even through your own life experience, I will be able to regain my free life again.

That’s all for today. I hope you’ll learn something from my experience and that you’ll also choose to spend your time wisely.

PersonalWealth #2 - Defining Your Lifestyle

PersonalWealth #1 - From 0 to Financial Freedom

About Me

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