Multivitamins -- Do They Work?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

I've always wondered if multivitamins worked. When you look at the labeling, you'll see a cocktail of vitamins jammed packed into a single pill. Really? All those nutrients inside a single pill?

Well, of course it's too good to be true.

After doing a lot of research, the consensus seem to be that multivitamins are useless. That's not to discount vitamins and minerals in general, it's just the multivitamins themselves are useless.


Well first of all, the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) metric isn't very good. All the RDA is meant to do is give you an idea of what you're supposed to have, at a minimum, so you don't die. Ok, well it's not that dramatic, but it's meant to be the minimum level of nutrients you should be getting daily. It's not meant as an indicator for optimal health.

Next, there are already many micronutrients that you're probably already getting enough of through your diet. You don't need to add more of it and risk overdosing from these pills. For example Selenium and Beta-Carotene are ample in many foods.

Finally, it's just not feasible to fit everything you need to optimize yourself into a single pill. It's convenient and it sounds great to be able to get 40 different nutrients into your body, but of course if it sounds too good to be true.. it probably is. Instead, it's much better to research and purchase individual Vitamins and Minerals that are actually shown to improve your wellbeing. An example of this is Vitamin D and Vitamin K, which you are most likely not getting enough of daily.


Multivitamins feel like they are a miracle pill. The idea that you can supplement your health with a single daily pill is alluring, however the execution sucks. They're more marketing-based than science, and they try to squeeze as many useless dosage of supplements in the pills as they can just so they can say they're included. It's more prudent to understand what the important individual vitamins and minerals that you need are, and purchase those instead.

I'll be a doing a series supplement highlighting posts in the future so stay tuned if you're interested in this sort of thing.


i agree with you and they are usually annoyingly expensive
i dont prescribe it for my patients

You're a doctor? What do you think are the 4 most bang-for-your buck supplements?

Natural way of getting vitamins is still the best... You never know what your body doesn't want when taking these pills until something goes wrong though

Yep, if you can just eat as best you can, you'll get most of the vitamins and minerals you need. You still need to supplement Vitamin D though unless you're in a warm place with your shirt off all day! But then you risk having sun damage as well.. lol

This idea of a magical pill the has all the we need is simply ridiculous.
Unfortunately, people tend to buy these type of products.

Agreed, people love convenience!

A lot of people are looking for quick fix.

Agreed. It's best to eat as much as naturally as you can, but there are still some supplements you can't get from food. Vitamin D for instance.

The Insanity of Multi Vitamins

I still cannot believe people are downing multi vitamins like they are harmless...
Multi-vitamins are not a substitute for a healthy diet but in this day and age, the era of the pill generation, people want a fix in a pill. There are no short cuts to good health. Only true lifestyle change can correct our unhealthy bodies.
In fact, taking supplements of vitamins or minerals that you are not deficient in can damage our bodies!
The best way to find out if we are deficient is to take a blood test.
In my own experience, from a blood test, I found out that I was deficient in vitamin D.
I simply took a supplement, had another blood test and the doctor and my body were both happy again.
You can read about my own experience here

Nice one! This is interesting, I'll have to take a look when I get home. I'm glad you're on board.

would be staying tune for your next update. thanks for this piece

and about Vitamin K

This is one vitamin (like vitamin D) where we are probably all lacking.
Vitamin K2 is the stuff from fermented foods, like natto (trust me you do not want the food), kimchi (yeah this taste good).
K2 works to keep our blood vessels and arteries healthy!
It also helps to put calcium back into our bones.
I really should do a post on Vitamin K2 this week, there is so much to say.
again, nice post! Keep it up.

Yes! I think Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D are definitely the most value adding supplements you can buy because they aren't abundant in regular foods people eat. Yes, that would be great and I look forward to reading the post. Followed. Thanks

I feel it just share capitalist greed nothing more nothing less... The HIV retroviral drug is a good case.... They feed of your ignorance not because they like you rather they love your USD.

I think capitalism is good. However, the current capitalist society has somewhat expanded to the point of instability. There's a hoarding mentality that's stowed away in their private bank accounts.

It's accumulate and greed, and a person's life is just a number. I have high hopes for the Blockchain technology to really level the playing field by expanding human compassion, tolerance and innovation.

I tried to read only the TL DR but found it long too 😀 Just joking. But I'm now scared. Should I throw off my half unfinished vitamins? No way. Lol

LOL.. yes you're right. It was too long too. It's better than nothing if you already have it, but it's too expensive for what it does if you don't

It's kinda expensive. I ain't throwing it away. Gotta use it

I think supplements do works much better in d body that pills

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