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RE: ✴️ Send-Back Sunday: Life is just too short. Just live! Extended.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Your analysis of what life is is most applicable to those people who have managed to dissociate themselves from societal relations like hermits As long as you live in a society it is there to define your beliefs ,dos & donts & how to behave in one way or the other &you are bound to comply to fit in. At times society presses it's expectations very much hence divorces, suicides,mental disturbances stress disorders etc due to lack of coping strategies Theoretically yes it's best to live your life the way you want but practically it's impossible because society has a bearing on how we are to live our lives .I wish that the time when one has the liberty to live life as he/she wishes was now


Great comment! Love it. I like that you're contradicting my thoughts. Gives me something to process.

I am certainly not disagreeing with you. More, on the fence. A happy medium. Society sure has made a standard for people to live by. We cannot simply do anything we want. If you want to kill someone else, and end up doing so, you'll go to jail.

What I'm referring to is more the general approach to life. The parts where we do actually have a genuine choice. A good example of this would be working at a job. It is 100% your choice to get a job or not. Many people hate their jobs, but they act like their life sucks because they have no choice. In that sense, I am saying do not put yourself in mental prison. Do what you feel would make you happy. Life is too short to be spending time on the shitty things.

Make sense? Talk soon.

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