What is god? I know a lot of athiests who bristle at the word, and many religious nuts who will get mad at me for not capitalising

in #life8 years ago

I never capitalise the word god, because it is so big yet egoless, it doesnt require capitalisation.

Some people have bad memories of crazy religious people as kids. The few people I knew who went to church steered me right away from seeing the divine nature of all things...

Every now and then there may have been a reverential moment, then I would be back in the material, dying, decomposing, dead headspace that was my comfy rational athiest home.

I found god on my own eventually, in a forest, on the beach, in my bed, on a cliff, in the kitchen, god is everywhere and present in all things, the oceans breath, the energy that informs all the living and the dead.

Its just our terms that need redefining.
God is not just in us. It is us. It is every leaf and every wisp of smoke, every littered coca-cola can, pedophile, murderer, saint and lover. The absolute all.

You dont need to read a book or go to a church or pray five times a day to be loved by god. God is love and you are god. When people tell me they dont believe in god I tell them, you are god, and it doesnt care if you believe in you or not.

Your very formation and deformation reflects that you are a treasured part of this great recycling energy exprression, and right now reading this I hate to shock you but, you´re one of the most complex essential expressions.

Your consciousness has been honed to level human, for better or worse ; )

Before you let anyone tell you youre a sinner, a cancer upon this earth, the world is overpopulated, youre dirty, youre not good enough, your carbon footprint needs offsetting etc... just hear one more thing

Angels serve humans.

Be they dead relatives or spiritual guides.. .

Did you hear that?

Angels serve humans

Thats how fucking high we are.
Whoever we are

Here we find ourselves in the midst of a very rare experience... many energies get stuck as a rock for ten thousand years, or a glacier, a tree or a dog... maybe they will be sweet relief after a human life but where we are right now is quite precious.

All of us are reverential at times. Wonder is our natural state.
Existing side by side with our natural state of knowing.

All of us are both scientists and spiritual.
Those who are the most angry at religion probably have apt reason.

Religion has misled, corrupted and abused us in our natural states of knowing and wonder.
These days $cience is its own new religion, and it has the power to abuse us all just as bad.

None of us should ever stop rigorously scientifically testing all we know. We enjoy a level of consciousness where we can consider and test both science and spirituality together.

I have never been able to prove if Jesus was real, but I´ve always wanted to be just like him.

It doesnt matter where we stand or how we see it.
There is no division between us.
Right now, or in the end.


Gawd!? I never knew that before!?

I think one thing you haven't considered in your question is that the idea of saying simply what is"god" is a very big generalization. There are tons of different religions that are mono and polytheistic and they all believe in a different god or gods. The true answer to the question "what is A god" would be an omnipotent force which may or may not take physical form but precedes us as humans and the universe itself.

I am a man of science and agree strongly with the idea that in our own right we and the universe we live in are comparable to the complexity of gods but simply put we are creations and god is the hypothetical creator. Regardless of what you believe about nature and humans the universe has existed for 13 billion years and the true unanswerable question is what came before and why something exists rather then nothing at all. This is where gods come into play, as much as we would like to humanize the idea of such a being, were true gods to exist the complexity of our universe would be remedial to them and their complexity would be incomprehensible by our understanding of the universe.

Sorry for long blather this post got me thinking though and I could just keep writing forever ^^"

I like this! I am half and half on the old 13 billion years or some Truman show style charachter behind a monitor

I don't follow the standard religious line either, but that doesn't mean I don't believe there is a unifying force that governs everything in this universe. This is also why there is a lot of theoretical physicists who believe in god, and I also agree with the not capitalisation.

I don't believe the jesus-is-god doctrine either. It's patently illogical. Jesus is a prophet and a messenger (messiah, christ) and his mission was to be what the highest expression of humanity is. This is why he left such a mark on history, even though the records of his very existence have largely been suppressed and burned, by the Romans, and now by the Catholics and especially by the orthodox jews.

Actually, the fact that Jesus was recognized as God by His disciples and claimed to be God is well established in the archeological evidence.


And I'm not sure the word "illogical" means what you think it means. :)

thanks i will have a look @stan

I knew you were everywhere.

glad to hear theres no shortage of you over there either

I did unload earlier today after the all you can eat lunch special ;)

...there will even be those who insist it is written g-d :)

But they are just envious we have vocals in our alphabeth.

Jokes aside; I'm a fan of LotR and AGoT and various other old and new mythologies, epics and sagas, so I made it a habit of speaking of "the gods" - in plural; even if almighty, why would such a powerful entity such as the ONE god take care of everything? Surely, [s]he would have "dolphins" as well, all assigned to different tasks: for fertility and childbirth, for war and success, for wine and brewing, for art and music, for the seas and rivers, for hunting, fishing and harvest, for trade and work.

It was quite common for our ancestors to have earths, winds and waters teeming with gods and spirits of nature. But there can even a biblical argument be made: in the book ofJob, there is talk of multiple gods the devil confronts to make his bet against יהוה!

Any reasonable theism will always preferable to a badly justified atheism.

Science, real science, is humanity's way to appreciate the gifts of logic, reason, curiosity and compassion given by the gods.

Lolsies...I like steemit so many people are smarter than me, its refreshing. Theres also a lot of really smart people who are quite conventionally b-washed so it is fun to mooch around and see whats what.
I like your theorums @akareyon, I often wonder if god has its days/aeons where it wonders "what am I doing here????"

I think that is the whole point actually of the whole super-meta-para-consciousness: to find out what it is doing here. Imagine how excited it must be to find out what happens next in the simultaneity of eternity!

if its my god, about as excited as a teenage girl being told to get out of the car and put down her iphone

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