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RE: Voting from Space – You Don’t Have an Excuse

in #life8 years ago (edited)

First - I voted...

However, there are actually valid excuses.

If you're an Anarchist (which technically I am) then you don't vote because that is acknowledging the government has the right to the authority they exercise over you. Some people do not vote for that reason. It is valid.

I am an Anarchist, but I know not voting will not stop some of the local issues from happening. If I don't vote then the government will still force things upon me against my will. I vote primarily to vote on local amendments and laws that will impact me. I see the Congressional and Presidential elections as very heavily rigged (more so the presidential) and the fact we are stuck with TWO "viable" candidates is a farce.

I did vote. I voted for Gary Johnson (Libertarian party) though I think he dropped the ball and I don't like his VP candidate at all. I did this for three primary reasons.

  1. Non-Dem/Rep parties need more than 5% to receive funding and have additional rights in future elections. My vote can help get it over that 5% as if we are stuck with this system we need to break the two party oligarchy and its corruption
  2. In 2008 I voted for Obama. Since that time I swore to never vote for the lesser of two evils again. Evil is still evil. I stuck to my guns. If I were forced then I'd vote for Trump. Why? He is an ass from things from his mouth, and he could be bad but it is a guess. I don't have to guess with Hillary from her past. She may be the most corrupt candidate to ever run. It has nothing to do with her being a woman. I'd love to have a female president but gender would be a tie breaker, it should not dictate policy.
  3. Our job if we believe in the vote is to vote for the person that best represents you. It is NOT about picking the winning team. It is not a sporting event. The only two ways you can throw your vote away if you believe in voting is to vote for someone who DOES NOT represent you, or to not vote. Voting for someone to stop someone else is NOT voting for someone that represents you. It just feeds into the cycle of corruption.

i resteemed this post this comment. ^^

Thanks for voting. ..and thanks for having well thought out and passionate opinions. Makes me feel good to be an American when we show, act, and constructively strive for change/improvements. ..even if we don't agree on topics I am glad we are all here and voting our conscience with forethought and a desire to be a better society.

Incredibly well said. I voted for Gary Johnson for the exact same reasons in fact - esp #1 - but I could not have put it so well.
I'm likely going to quote from you on my podcast if no objections.

Go for it. :)

Voting is a suggestion box for slaves :)

Basically yes. Yet it doesn't stop the masters from forcing you to do things. If they increase my taxes in a local area in a way I can try to stop then not voting will not stop it. I could stand on principle, but I might as well either die, or march myself off to prison. I choose to be a realist. Do what I need to do for my family and I to survive and try to help educate more people while I further educate myself so that maybe in the future we can end this crap.

On a smaller, local level I do view voting as semi-legit when used as self defense, like from tax increases and such. This federal election though, it's literally pointless. I see not voting as a vote of no-confidence in the whole system, and it does send a message, even though voters like to put down those who don't vote and say they have no right to complain.

I almost didn't pick a presidential candidate. My thought process was that I'd have some dots not filled out in my mail in ballot. So I didn't want to risk having them toss it out as invalid.

The way I see it. If they can force you to do things against your will then you definitely have the right to complain.

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