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RE: Liberty, Freedom, Religion & Crypto: A Series: E.1 - Taxation is Theft & Unity - a Steemit CommUNITY Respectful Discussion.

in #life8 years ago

I think crypto is very important to the future. I believe it's biggest problem currently is its fragmentation and the fact that fragmentation is increasing.

As far as religion... I covered that in some detail over the last week and you likely already saw and perhaps even participated in those posts...

That last one is a bit more aggressive than I like to write. My first two I intentionally did not berate or bash any religion. Yet I was challenged by a Muslim, and a Christian on the Afterlife one. This is fine until it starts devolving to the "You're either with us, or you're with Satan" type of rhetoric. That is what lead to that third post. Again, I prefer not to target any specific religions as I fully support freedom to believe whatever you want as long as you don't force it upon others, and you do not pass laws based upon it that impact others in a non-voluntary fashion.

My first post was another on the topic of Deism which I find beautiful, simple, and without malice. Yet this makes it a poor tool for control/manipulation and I wonder if this is why it is mostly a forgotten relic from parts of the past. So occasionally I write about it.

This week there seems to have been a strange attractor related to religious topics as I was not the only one to write some of this genre. Quite a number of us have. The clustering effect of reality... As the Deist would say Observe and use Reason. I observe the strange attractors, aka clustering in many places and find it very interesting.


It is funny because I was a preacher after I got saved LOL.

Nobody really knows that about me. There was a gifting of the Spirit God gave me to use with my language and speaking abilities and words.... kinda like you who has giftings in your words.

Also funny.... I have not seen one of those religious type posts you speak of this last week.

I have been kicking ideas around in my melon. Today I exercised my option and just knew it had to be done today after I woke up, it came out of nowhere planned at all.

I opened my computer, opened up the Steemit and just started typing.

1 Sam 15 --- Obedience is better than sacrifice.

I am glad you took time today to comment here and with me on your posts. We go in spurts eh.... we do not talk and then one day, so much stuff gets spilled btw us like a Liberty overthrowing of ideas and goodness


I actually linked my 3 religious related posts in my reply to your post about Crypto and Religion.

EDIT: Which is obvious if I'd seen the parent post to your reply... DUH. :)


I am offline by 10 pm my time (EST) or before nightly, due to my health issues, headaches, etc etc from the car running me over thing.

It is funny...... we do not talk that much like I said earlier last nite.... but every time I read one of your posts, even if I do not comment on that thread somewhere I see you...... you sort of always get my mind moving.

It is not something I realized or was cognizant of until the last month or so.

That is a very powerful gift you have especially for someone that has been damaged by a car running them over with some... issues now.

I really appreciate you man. I know I have said it and you have said same.... but I would rather invest my time encouraging people than anything else.

  • Thank you.

That is a really nice compliment I appreciate it.

That is actually my biggest personal goal. To get people using their mind, making their own decisions, learning how to appreciate people who disagree with them, etc.

I started thinking about the big problems in the world, and really the only thing I can do at the moment that might help in the future with big problems is get more people thinking, and hopefully they will go and in turn get even more people thinking.

If most of the population understood and could use critical thinking well then I bet most of the things we consider big problems today would not seem nearly as insurmountable.

I also know it can be a challenge to try to get people to think. They get too caught up in this WIN/LOSE concept of debate/discussion/argument. That is very limiting and can hide a person from the wonder that is there waiting to happen for all the participants. Everyone can be a winner if everyone treats it like a learning and teaching opportunity.

Labels can also ensnare us, box us in, etc. They are convenient for quick conversation, but it is important to remember we are all individuals.

Thanks for your comment. It meant a lot to me.

You make my synaptics fire buddy.

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