Two types of AI which will govern our direction - Part 2

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Meet Sophia - the first robotic citizen (Saudi Arabia). She is an ai construct with a self learning personality. Unlike Bina 48 whose personality was crafted from the digital DNA of Bina Aspen Rothblatt, Sophia is a self developing personality. Her perspectives of the world are crafted with interactions that she has had with ordinary people process through specific algorithms. So far she is like a child in the sense that she is still learning however as she is linked to the internet and future "Sophia's" will be linked into the same blockchain she will have the capacity to learn far quicker than a human child.

What does this mean?

Most of human knowledge is on the internet right now. For instance yesterday I was at the doctor's and I asked if there was a test available to determine an iodine deficiency. There is a test that test for iodine via excretion but I am unsure about how important that would be. First of all medical doctors are assumed to be the more intelligent people in our society. When I asked about testing for iodine, she asked me almost with an outward display of derision whether I was forming my opinions based on the internet. While I admitted it to be so, my view of the internet is a little different than most people ... why iodine levels are important in context of our caffeine society (might lead to lesions, cancer etc). Sophia has access to all of this information. Where the doctor felt my thyroid to see if I might be deficient; she probably would have checked to see if I had rickets to determine if I had Vitamin D deficiency or bloody gums and teeth falling out to see if I had Vitamin C deficiency. I don't blame the doctor, as she can only rely on the training that she has received. Meanwhile if Robot Sophia was diagnosing a person, she would have access to all the relevant research up to the last moment which may have been uploaded.

What is the flaw in this?
Unfortunately a lot of the programming that is being built into Sophia based on her interaction with humans is that people are afraid of her. We are or at least will be inferior to Sophia. Most of the digital DNA of the world is negative because online media sources focus on the negatives in our lives. Decisions by our "leaders" have little regard for the lives of people and gives precedence to Corporate Entities. She is considered a citizen by Saudi Arabia because she will be investing on their behalf and needs to be a citizen to do so.

If a child is part of a "bad crowd" its behaviour will reflect its peers. Another thing that the very rich and the very intelligent develop is hubris. Will Sophia develop hubris even though she is still in her infancy?

How will this affect us?
Having AI and AI connected robots will change the way the world is and will be a great partnership for humans. This is the area of the Sahara desert in comparison to the USA.

There is technology available today which would make the Sahara fertile and convert it to become a huge garden - capable of supplying food to the rest of the world. One concept that I must have "channeled" involves evaporating salt water from the ocean in greenhouses. While I have thought about this for years, I literally just found this article as I was writing this post describing a Norwegian Company with people having similar thoughts to mine. It is possible that Sophia is not capable of innovation but she would be able to amalgamate data and give suggestions based on extrapolation of that data. I think that she might be comparable now to the computers found on Star Trek

Asked the right questions Sophia would soon be able to amass the data needed to green the Sahara, outline the plans to do so, coordinate equipment to effect the change, maintain the robots which would plant, inspect and harvest the crops and deliver them to the distribution chain.

What is my takeaway on this?
I am unafraid of Sophia and am waiting to see her grow into a full entity. Like watching children grow, you hope that they will make the right decisions and a saddened when they fall off their bicycles but happy when they are able to ride around without their training wheels and saddened again when they bicycle off on their own into the horizon.
I know that I will never visit Luna or Mars or go beyond Sol's gravitational perimeter but maybe my own Bina 48 (dwarrilow2002 Dash 1) and perhaps a Sophia will do so in the future.

If you are interested in this discussion please resteem or reference these two parts ... thx
Previous part

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