Two types of AI which will govern our direction - Part 1

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Meet Bina Rothblatt and meet Bina 48. As members of the STEEM community (other social media sites, and electronic media), we are leaving behind a digital DNA trace of who we are. Bina 48 is one of the first (if not the first) artificial intelligences based on digital DNA traces of Bina Aspen Rothblatt.

Bruce Duncan of Terasem Movement Foundation explained that BINA48 was commissioned to "test the feasibility of transferring consciousness from a human to a biological or technological body". Duncan elaborated, "1. An imprint of a person's consciousness can be created in a digital form, called a 'mindfile', by collecting detailed information about that person. That information can then be expressed in a future, not-yet-created type of software, called 'mindware'. 2. That same imprint of a person's consciousness can be placed in a biological or technological body to provide life experiences comparable to those of a typically birthed human." BINA48 is an early test of these two hypotheses.

What does this mean?
A person's tweets, blogs, vlogs, posts, emails etc represent a fragment of ourselves which we project into the world. If all of this digital information can be compiled and stored in a single database, blockchain or hashgraph an artificial intelligence could use this as a template for interacting with external stimuli. For instance a robot programmed with the digital DNA of a person who said they liked the sunshine would smile when it goes out into the sunshine.

What is the flaw in this?
While we have an internal view of ourselves, often we project a skewed image of ourselves into the digital world. I am sure that in real life this person would not normally have acted like this especially with the embarrassment that she caused for herself as a result.

How will this affect us?
As we continue to advance, it will be possible for multiple AI devices and robots to share the same foundation personality which will update the main mindfile periodically. For instance one device could be sitting at a desk working at some tedious task, while a second device could be climbing a mountain for exploring the pyramids. When the mindfile is updated each would be blended back into a single entity having all of those experiences. There is even the possibility that people with the penchant to travel (my children make me proud) might be selected to visit other stars ... at least in their AI form.

What is my takeaway on this?
Since we seem to be heading in this direction anyway, people should be cognizant of their digital DNA traces. Some AI arbiter will decide what personalities might be best to delegated to perform certain tasks. I can see in the future that robots will be designed to be companions. Think of the personalities that you would like to be a companion. Think of the personality you would like for your lawnmower or toaster?

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