My personal achievements in 2017 - I love this year!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

For a few weeks, we will say goodbye to year 2017 and that is not easy to me. That's because 2017 was, and still is, the most successful year in my life. Now I will share with you my best personal achievements.

January 1st 2017.

I entered 2017 so drunk that I can't remember that night. At the beginning of the year I was still unemployed. I didn't have any money to pay my phone bill but I had to organize my wedding. So I borrowed a lot of money and it took a lot of time to return it.

February 18th 2017, my wedding day.

One of the happiest days in my life was when I married my girlfriend after 10 years of relationship. We had awesome celebration that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

March 1st 2017, I found a job!

And that was the best job I've ever had. Finally I got what I deserved and a change to get rid of financial troubles.

February 2017-June 2017

I had the honor to watch Steem growing from 7 cents to almost 3$. I am glad for being there at that time.

July 16th - I became a father!

Definitely the happiest day of my life! You can't know that if you haven't experienced it! I planned to be there with my wife while giving birth to our child, but she told me that she will send me the message from hospital when I should come. So I slept that night in the car in front of the hospital, but my wife decided to spare me and just sent me a message with a photo of her with our daughter! Nothing in my life can't compare to the day when I became a father.

July 21st - I defeated an autoimmune disease

And with no medication! I officially stopped the progress of my ankylosis spondylitis thanks only to my madness and disturbed brain.

Let's continue with less important things.

August 2nd - I solved all my debts.
August 13th - I became a Mac user.
July 15th-September 15th - Best tourist season ever in hometown and great profit for my family.
October 10th - I sold my old car and bought a new car.

December 13th (today) - I'm going to watch Star Wars Episode VIII tonight with my friends @moon32walker and @cutwitviky! That's also an achievement!

I love 2017! But that doesn't mean that 2018 will be worse! It depends on us!

Thank you!



Thank you for posting dumar022.

What a super year.

Enjoy watching Star many principles in the film.

Lovely sweetie-pie you have there. ^_^

Wishing you and your wife and little one a Happy Christ-mas.

Thank you for nice words, @bleujay, as always

Having read this, your creation of the whysoserious-tag as well as the GoldenJoker makes a lot more sense to me.
Having had some difficulties myself also I think I understand your reason(s) for that.
A great dose of humor and a good laugh everyday can help you see things in a better perspective and with that handle and solve problems and difficulties much easier.
Good luck and have a great evening with your friends.

Thank you for this great comment!

I sincerely hope 2018 may be even better for you!!! (and ok, for me too ;-))

It will be nice if everything stays like now! Thank you, I wish you a lot of success in next year

Inspiring post. May 2018 be greater than 2017! cheers @dumar022

Thank you! :)

Thanks for beautiful picture of daddy and his doll baby. :))

Thanks !!! :)))

Happy to read this
Congrats for your achievements this year
Hopping the next year, bring you more personal achievements

Thank you, @lordoftruth... I am considering to make a good intentional parody of some of your post series :)))

Thanks @dumar022
Happy to hear this..

Iz dugova je jako tesko izaci pogotovo sa takvim iznosima, malo njih bi izdrzalo pritisak i na kraju uspjelo se izboriti sa izazovima, jer i novorodeno dijete je stres koliko i sreca, zelim tebi i tvojoj cijeloj obitelji samo zdravlja jer je meni to najbitnije u zivotu, ostalo lako dode :) Svaka ti cast!

Fala stari, sve najbolje

Read the post and you will know

congratulation for all of your achievements during 2017. All the best for upcoming year 2018.May you have mre success and happiness and good helth in upcoming years. have a nice time @dumar022 keep sharing . Resteemed & Upvoted

Thank you, this is a nice comment! Common man, ha?? :))

yes i am a common man, who wants peace in his life and all around the world.

Sound like a great year - particularly as you entered 2017 with so many worries. Looking back you can say I did it! and that's a wonderful feeling!

Yes! I did it... I think

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