Cigarettes - Why smoke something that doesn't make you HIGH

in #life7 years ago

You can be a fighter for human rights, fighter for freedom of speech, for freedom of a thought, an idealist, but if you are a smoker, you make yourself a slave.

So, where am I now? With a cigarette in my mouth thinking about human rights. Is right to smoke considered as a human right? It doesn't make any sense that in the countries in which euthanasia isn't allowed, smoking is allowed. So, if someone wants to jump from the roof of the building, you can see ten police cars under that building, few doctors, psychiatrists, firemen... and nobody tries to do that with a man who is trying to make suicide with a cigarette.

full size

When my grandfather saw me with a cigarette, he told me this:

"If cigarettes were good, I would smoke five of them at once!"

Once, I smoked a box of cigarettes using just one match. That kind of people are called chain - smoker. Now I smoke while I am writing this post, doesn't that make me a blockchain - smoker?

It all starts at very young age!

You want to be a dude, want to look older, more serious, more dangerous, attract chicks... all just to be more respected by other kids. That's how you make the biggest mistake in your life!

And it is not nice to see a person who constantly has a cigarette in the mouth!

I started to smoke more than 16 years ago. It was different time then. Now, people are more aware of this danger and kids are more educated. But results are not so perfect. Maybe 10% less kids smoke than 16 years ago. Maybe that's a good number, I wouldn't know! The only thing I know is that my generation and I are victims of post - war period and the most of us stinks all day and suffocate in the ugly smoke. I reduced my smoking a lot! Now, I smoke less than a box in a day, there was a time when I smoked 3 boxes each day.

And why to smoke something that doesn't make you HIGH at all?

If you smoke weed, you will understand what I am talking about! You spend your money, you get high, practically, you got what you wanted! Weed has it's purpose, but cigarettes don't. And that's the biggest irony of smoking! That's #whysoserious!



I hate smoking. It's probably because my dad smokes and I partly grew up with it. My mum never smoked, so it was fine when I was with her. Whenever we would eat or sleep at my dad's though, he would smoke and I would hate the smell.

So now I hate everything about smoking. Some people say it helps them relax, but to me that's BS. It helps them relax, because they are sating their addiction, that's it. It stinks, it's unhealthy and most people start for this one, simple reason: To feel included.

To me that just makes them weak, but I guess I should not feel that way, because kids don't know what they're doing (though at that age, I highly disagree... it's not like they start smoking at the age of 4).

very good comment, thank you!

Is this post about ... how to smoke like pro @dumar022

Some people smoke for the flavor.

This requires smoking highest quality cigars or cigarettes, and obviously not tainting your tongue by smoking them often.

A proper cigar is to be enjoyed on the most interesting of special occasions.
Not just every day. And certainly not something to be addicted to.

Yet, tobacco is addictive, and it's not even the best smelling herb.

So have you tried smoking mint, catnip, chamomile, or even basil?

Dry them, roll it up, and try it.

the best reducing is with help of hashish

Smokers smoke to feel normal... like non-smokers feel every day. If they do not smoke they feel like shit .... not so?

you're right...

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