Self-Sustainability And Food Freedom 101 - One Year Organic Potato Supply For 10 Euros (Vlog)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

In my previous post "My Very Own Garden Behind A Lake House..." I have only shown you our property and described the reasoning behind purchasing it: we bought it so that we can produce our own plant and vegetables and be more free and independent. I you haven't read it please do, because it provides a context for this post:

In this post I wanted to show you first hand what it really means. I've made a Vlog describing just what is to my just a regular day in the garden. Check it out:

Potatoes are planted on 3 ares of land (300 square meters), in 10 rows. We collected around 450 kg which is way more then one year's worth of supply for our family of four, so we are going to give some of the extra bags to our relatives and friends.


Total investment in these potatoes where 10 Euros! We bought 20 kg of seed potatoes last year from which we produced 500 kg of potatoes and around 25 kg of new seed potatoes in the season. This season we planted those seeds, and harvested 450 kg. The cycle can continue for 4 years after which it is recommendable to buy new ones. If you don't know what are potato seed, its the small one not bigger then a peach for example. As you can see from my Vlog we are categorizing them into buckets.

Buying proper seeds when it come to food production is the KEY! Many of GMO vegetables nowadays are sold seedless. And of those that have seeds you can rarely grow anything. They are doing that on purpose, so that your garden can't be self-sustainable and you would be more dependent. When it comes to seeds, we bought only from people when knew on the country side, and have seen there vegetables, so we know what to expect.

Food freedom:

This was of course not only a day's worth of work. Our potatoes are 100% organic, and there is a lot more effort when producing organic food. We haven't sprayed it against bugs, we killed them with hands, we haven't destroyed weed and grass with chemicals we have cut with a scythe etc. But having to invest only 10 euros for actually 3-4 years supply of potatoes? And we have other tubes, plants and vegetables.

Vegan Lifestyle:

Becoming a Vegan was not my choice. It didn't just one day decided to become vegan. I've became vegan gradually. I suppose that was because my conscious evolved, and I first gave up eating meat, and then dairy and eggs. As I found about musucless diet, and starting practice it I started to feel more intune with myself and nature around me. Veganism is not just about not eating animals and animal products, its really a mind-set and a view of the world - living in accordance with nature. Having my own oasis definitely supports my lifestyle, as I spend my time more and more in nature, caching enough sunlight and fresh air, which is more important then eating proper food. Also producing food has connected me more with nature trough work. Giving your energy into the earth and getting back food in return is really rewarding - as you can see from my big smile on the video thumbnail :)

Thank you for reading


Very good video bro, I support your work. Great post.

Thanks for sharing this, it is very useful for all of us, which we want to be more independent . I admire you. I hope you will keep posting such a interesting stories.

Those look really good :) Are you only planting one kind of potato or different kinds of potatoes?

We plated two kinds - one is more yellow and the other one more pink.

Ha, ok :)

I know there are different kinds of potato varieties, some are faster to grow than others and different varieties are less or more resistant to plant diseases, bugs etc.

It's a big world of potatoes.

Yes, we bought the most resilient once that also taste good. I don't know much about sorts so I don't know there exact names jbg

It's ok, but it's good to know what kind of potatoes you're getting :)

YAY for you @drumsta!! It feels great to grow your own food and to partake of the fruits of your own labor. Good for you!!! Glad you're receiving such great benefit and blessing others along the way. Win Win all around!!!

Everyone benefits from this kind of life :)

A healthy, holistic approach with nature is divine indeed!

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