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RE: What Should You Do if You Are Stuck Starting 2018??

in #life7 years ago

Hello sir! Just got turned on to your comment, via a comment by a fellow musician I follow. I obsess over my own habits and motivations ... and Steem has proved to be a huge boon in this regard. I've been entirely focused (perhaps at the expense of the other facets of my life) on getting my first proof of concept video live on here for my synth and drum channel. Finished a few hours ago and the euphoria from finally getting motivated and seeing through getting content on here is overwhelming.

Have you considered using Dtube as your release platform? I got a ton of advice from more prominent bloggers like yourself and everybody told me to just go for it in dtube world.


So glad you found me. Our habits, patterns, and behaviors is what makes us into everything! Steemit platform is exciting and motivating itself, I love it!

I have used dTube but have had some trouble when uploading sometimes, plus I don't like how it shows on the blog posts and takes you out of the blog post. That is why I leave my video in my post. The format also just looks better for my posts because I did both written and video combined. If it has some change on the format I will definitely incorporate it more.

Could not agree more.

I definitely see the weakness in not having embedded video, but I'm adopting a somewhat crypto-centric HODL mentality to it. If I can be the first modular synth channel on Dtube, I'm betting that over time that will outweigh splitting my following between youtube and Dtube. Plus, all everybody wants to talk about when Dtube comes up is how it lacks embedding functionality ... can't be long before they get it figured out!

That is a great point of being first, a reason why I love Steemit and being here.. :D

I agree that it won't be long before they make those adjustments. Look forward to your videos @drumoperator! Followed

Thank you good sir! Finally got it up today and spent most of the day on different discord servers making new friends the semi-old fashioned way. Thanks for the follow!

You're welcome! :)

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