-_Feeding The Rescued Blackbird Chick_-_Alimentando Al Polluelo De Mirlo Común Rescatado_-

in #life7 years ago (edited)

   I present to you this chick of what I think is a common blackbird; Actually during his chick stage and during his youth (which lasts about 1 year from birth to before mating and forming his own family when also turn fully blacks), is very similar and almost indistinguishable from the thrush or fieldfare.

   Os presento a este polluelo de lo que creo que es un mirlo común; en realidad durante su etapa de polluelo y durante su juventud (que dura aproximadamente 1 año desde su nacimiento hasta antes de aparearse  y formar su propia familia, momento en el que se les hace el plumaje negro), es muy similar y casi indistinguible del tordo o zorzal.


   In fact, both the blackbird (Turdus Merula) and the thrush (Turdus Philomelos) belong to the same family of Turdidae.

   Their eggs are also very similar and both put between two and six eggs that incubate between twelve and fourteen days before the hatching.

   De hecho, tanto el mirlo (Turdus Merula) como el tordo (Turdus Philomelos) pertenecen a la misma familia de los Turdidae.
   Sus huevos son también muy similares y ponene entre dos y seis huevos que incuban entre doce y catorce días antes de la eclosión.

Blackbird Chick Source/Fuente de Polluelo de Mirlo Común

Trush Chick Source/Fuente del Polluelo de Tordo

Blackbird Eggs Source/Fuente de los Huevos de Mirlo

Trush Eggs Source/Fuente de los Huevos de Tordo

   These chicks leave their nests after fifteen days of being born to roam around the ground to learn how to fly in the course of a week, during which time the parents continue to feed them, even after three weeks the chicks already have learned to fly.

   Estos polluelos abandonan sus nidos tras quince días de haber nacido para merodear dando saltitos por el suelo hasta aprender a volar en el transcurso de una semana desde entonces, período durante el cual los padres siguen alimentándonos, incluso tras tres semanas después de que los polluelos ya hayan aprendido a volar.


   Even taking into account the above information on the chicks of this species, this little boy was in an area too urbanized to be there by his own will; Also he doesn't know how to fly yet and next to that, in the surrounding area there were many cats lurking so we decided to take it home for trying to watch over their physical integrity.

   Aun teniendo en cuenta la información arriba mencionada sobre los polluelos de esta especie, este pequeño se encontraba en una zona demasiado urbanizada como para estar ahí por propia voluntad; además no sabe volar aún y junto a que en la zona circundante había muchos gatos merodeando decidimos cogerlo por intentar velar por su integridad física.

   We are feeding him about 6 times a day, with a high protein feed wet in water (although they are omnivorous they feed mostly on insects and worms); It's so soft it almost could be said that it is a porridge and it doesn't cost anything to this small glutton to swallow it. 

   We will continue to feed him until he learns to fly, for which there must be little time left, at which point we will try to reintegrate him into nature.

   Lo estamos alimentando unas 6 veces al día, con un pienso alto en proteína mojado en agua (aunque son omnívoros se alimentan en mayor cantidad de insectos y gusanos); está tan blando que casi podría decirse que es una papilla y no le cuesta nada tragarlo a este pequeño glotón.
   Seguiremos alimentándolo hasta que aprenda a volar, para lo cual debe quedar poco, momento en el cual intentaremos reinsertarlo a la naturaleza.


That bird looks like a stuffed toy

Yes, hehe; he looks like a gluttonous stuffed toy!

Really amazing, glad you could help the bird. Not many people would have done that, very good soul.

Thank you very much @gloxzade
We have to help our furry neighbors!

How lovely!

Yes, he definitely is!
Thanks for commenting!

good info and i like the color of the eggs - i am a huge nature lover so i follow you in support

Thanks for your words @daydreams4rock

Nice little friend you've got there :) Had he left his mom already by the time you took him in?

Good luck with raising him! I used to hatch chickens in an incubator for a while, and that was really fun. It's awesome seeing them grow!

He was in the ground stage when they abandon their nests for learning to fly, wich purpose takes them a week; Meanwhile they got feed by their parents.
It has to be spectacular to see the whole process from the beginning but it also has to be a lot of responsibility.
Did all your chicks survive?

Ooohhh pero que cositaaa 😍

¿Has visto que polluelete más majo y más glotón tengo?
Pues ahora el tío está mucho más espabilado; ya está aprendiendo a sentirse cómodo aleteando bastante y le queda nada para empezar a volar.
Antes de soltarlo intentaré hacer otro artículo y así ves lo que ha crecido, etc...

Siii otro antes de que se vaya por fa. Estamos todos babeando con él :)

Very cool, that was awesome of you.

Thanks Mr. @hilarski
We love animals here and Nature in the main!

Devolviendo el upvote, agradecida! Siguiendo!

Amigo, me encantó, hermoso tu post!
Un abrazo!

Gracias @kristal24

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