Waving Goodbye. (A photo album)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I can still vividly recall the day she was born. I was young, barely into my twenties, and during the pregnancy I had many moments of fear- that I wasn't ready, that I wasn't cut out for it.

But the moment I held her in my arms, all of that went away. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen and I felt blessed to be the vessel that shuttled her in to this world.

And now she's eighteen, starting the grand journey of life.

One week ago:

Zoe with my step-daughter-in-law Kim (who flew to NY to ride with her to the Carolinas) packing up the Fiat.

One nice thing about Zoe having a tiny car, she'll have to come back for the rest of her stuff

Kim asking Ethan how he feels about Zoe leaving-


Yeah, I hear you buddy.

It's truly amazing how time flies.

Enjoy this 'through the years' glimpse of my baby girl's life:

Halloween Age One

zoe second halloween.jpg

So freaking cute.

Christmas Age Two

zoe velvet dress.jpg

Cutie Beauty girl

Christmas Age Three

zoe and ethan winter.jpg

Best buddies from then until now

Christmas Age Four

2018-08-29 15.jpg

Age Five: Spring raking, Grandma's house

zoe and ethan in leaves.jpg

Age Seven: Vacation, Myrtle Beach SC

zoe and ethan dixie.jpg

Age Nine: Cousin's Sweet Sixteen, Florida


Four years ago: Birthday

zoe and fami.jpg

Three years Ago: Darien Lake


Her older brother's wedding


Two years ago

Visiting her brother in NC


Supernatural Convention


Zoe and Sam Winchester

One year ago:

2018-01-27 03.29.56.jpg

Ithaca Brewery

2017-10-24 19.46.29.jpg

Second Supernatural Convention

Crowley, Zoe, Me, Castiel

Grandma's house, Seneca Lake

2017-08-23 22.53.55.jpg

One month ago:

Our east to west coast road trip

New Mexico


2018-06-08 23.06.30.jpg

Grand Canyon, Arizona

2018-06-10 21.51.34.jpg

Santa Cruz, California

2018-06-13 01.24.11.jpg

Forks, Washington

2018-06-19 01.07.18.jpg

Of course I am a huge cry baby as I go through these pictures. This has been a year of big changes, starting with saying goodbye to dad as he embarked on the journey into the after life and soon saying goodbye to my childhood home as mom embarks on the journey of life after dad.

But this is life; we take the losses with the gains, the failures with the triumphs, the sorrows with joys. In the end, I think, it's enough to say we were glad to be here.

Much Love


Big change. You're right to give her the space to start the next phase of her life. Wishing you strength, since I'm sure iot's difficult!

Thank you :) It is harder than I realized it would be. But I'm excited for her too. She's a great girl with a good head on her shoulders, a strong moral compass and a kind heart. Can't ask for more (well, I can ask that she comes home for the holidays can't I? lol!)

I like your picture posts best!

You have Fiats in America? - I thought everyone drove F150 pick ups!


They grow up far too quickly. :( Beautiful memories though :)

They do! Thank you :)

That's a lot of happy memories :D And why wouldn't she come back for the holidays? I would totally go home a lot more if it wasn't insanely expensive XD

That 18 years flew by in this post! Congratulations on raising such a cool kid, that sad pic of Ethan says it all.

Hah, it did! Thank you darling, I imagine you'll always remember her opinion of chips haha!

I know, he's feeling it :( But considering how fast it all went, he'll be eighteen no time.

Her opinion on bags completely reminded me of my older brother being disgusted with my questionable hygiene practices when we were kids, and I agree with them totally; boys are disgusting creatures!

They totally are! Of course I was a bit of a tomboy so, might've fallen into that category myself a bit until I reached puberty.

We've been moving mom out of the house all week, yesterday was the big day of Uhaul and furniture, my brother and Mary spent the night at her new apartment so we naturally hung out late there having some beers and smoking some herb from his new vape :)

I pulled another one into steemmonsters, Jed has jumped aboard. I see that they've sold twenty thousand packs in the past two days. Apparently they plan to stop selling this alpha edition either when they run out or October 31st whichever comes first.

Another monster junkie in the making there. That stuff is addictive, especially the GOLD! cards, gold fever has struck. I have 5 gold ones and All of the others, I'm thinking that's enough! I have a Monster problem, I'll admit.

Yup and Ditto to all of the rest of that!

Zoe looked so cute when she was a kid! Now, she has grown up into a beautiful lady! I may not have been there to see her grow up, but just looking at these pictures and all your wonderful sentiments through several posts and chats takes me back to those times.

Awww man, first full-bird to leave the nest, and the only girl too! I laughed so hard about her having a tiny car so that she'll be forced to come back for the rest of her stuff haha! Time flew by so quickly! Pretty soon the nest will be empty, but I'm sure you won't notice it that much because you're sipping martinis on your crypto and novel-sponsored yacht. I know that because my own yacht is parked not too far away haha!

Congrats, momma! You've raised one hell of a girl, now you have to let her fly on her own :'D

Aw, she was a cute kid and is a beautiful young woman to be sure.

Haha! I can't wait for the martini sipping yacht days! Of course when it gets to that point, my kids will probably find their way back to hang out on it too ;)

Thanks for liking one of my posts.
Time sure fly doesn't it? By the way that looks just like my car.

beautiful pictures , I wish her all the best in her next journey , and you have some lovely memories and make even make more memories with her x

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