The day the Playground Series was born (Featuring Lucy the pitbull)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The day started out typically, with my husband bringing me a cup of coffee-yes he does this every morning since the a.m. is just not my time of day-with a big smile and a “Hey sweetheart, what’re we going to do today?” Of course this is a rhetorical question because as I said, this is not my time of day, so any questions directed at me before the cup is empty? Most likely going to be answered with some form of grunt, scowl, or even hiss if I’m particularly cranky. But of course the question sticks in my mind as every sip of french-pressed Colombian brings me closer to coherency. This particular morning I decided on absolutely nothing. It was going to be a hang around the shanty mama kind of day, where I might work on some writing, or I might do some reading, or maybe I’d just sit in the chair and spend my time dreaming up a new character (aka go to LaLa land, where I frequently live).

So I finished my coffee and proceeded to tell my husband what I’d decided when I got a whiff of something particularly nasty. I glanced around to locate the source of the foul smell and Jack helpfully filled me in. “Don’t let Lucy inside, she rolled in horseshit.”

Now I’d had my cup of coffee but it was still just a tad early for me to be dealing with a stinky pit bull, even if this particular pit is the cutest dog you’ve ever seen. So I gave her the full force of my “it’s still morning” glare before stomping around to find the dawn dish soap and a towel. Lucy is by far one of the best dogs you’ve ever seen or heard about- she loves all people and all animals, she comes when she’s called, she’s an excellent traveler, but if there’s one thing in this world she despises, it’s a bath. And she always knows when she’s going to get one.

So after ten minutes of hide and seek I finally nab her and put on the leash, then recruit my brother in-law to hold it, at which point she begins bucking like an actual bull and it takes another five minutes to wrestle her over to the water. I am immensely grateful to PJ because if I had to do it alone I would have likely suffered several face plants from the strength of her sixty pound muscled butt yanking me around, and unless I got her trapped the whole thing would’ve been impossible. But PJ is a strong guy so he managed it and within a few minutes she resigned herself and let me do my thing. Of course by the time she is thoroughly clean I am thoroughly soaked from the ten times she shook on me…which I swear she does on purpose, I mean can’t she wait until I’m all finished before letting the droplets fly?

(she also adopted us in Missouri Ozarks-and is the only dog Nana likes-a story for another day)

Well that was how my day began but I’m happy to report that the rest of the day went as planned. I did do some reading, I did take a trip to lala, and I worked on my writing. In fact I wrote a short story as an exercise to help me work on endings and I think it turned out well. I might even turn it into a series, though of the sitcom variety where each “episode” stands alone for the most part.
The only other thing of interest to note was that I saw my first Praying Mantis since leaving Missouri, and because they’re supposed to bring luck I’ll take it as a good sign. And on that note I’ll say goodnight.

**I'd completely forgotten documenting that day. There's something to be said for blog style journal writing. The praying mantis did its job (fascinating and terrifying little creatures)

*praying mantis courtesy of pexels

The Playground Series:
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:

Thank you for visiting, stop by anytime ;)


Beautiful story my friend @dreemit, it is obvious that she likes animals, mainly dogs, congratulations for this great post, thank you very much for sharing

Yes, I love dogs :) Thank you for your constant support, you are a good man and a good friend @jlufer

You sound like my wife in the morning... ;)


Haha! I've always been a night owl :)

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