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RE: Why Is There Such Controversy Over What a Healthy Diet Should Be?

in #life7 years ago

This is a subject that has been on my mind a lot, though not for the usual reasons, like weight loss.
Actually, it all begins with my going on fourteen year old son.
He hit puberty at twelve, and began to grow, not just physically but mentally. About a year into it he stopped eating meat and began veering away from processed food. He is currently five foot ten, size 15 feet, 190 pounds with just a bit of baby fat left. His brain works so fast, even my husband (who is only five eleven btw) who has a mensa level IQ is sometimes floored by the concepts he grasps and the things he comes up with. Me? Forget it, that kid blows me away. When I asked him what made him decide on the food thing he told me "They are poisoning us, if you want to resonate at a higher frequency, quit eating the shit they push, mom. If you want your body to be at its optimum physical capacity..." here he paused for effect, "quit eating the shit they push." You might cringe at the idea of him swearing and me allowing it, but let me tell you that he is so supremely socially gifted and confident, on top of appearing and behaving like someone much older, my rules for how he should be are straight out the window. Especially since he actually doesn't swear that often, just when he wants to make a point, ha!
Needless to say, I did stop eating meat soon after him, and am slowly pushing out processed foods and stuff filled with additives, and it is making a huge impact already.
Farmer's markets, farm stands, and luckily for us a large Amish community complete with grocery stores nearby, makes it a lot more possible and affordable, so definitely don't take this as me preaching, I'm not that way, I believe in live and let live. The day I preach to someone about or judge someone on how they should live is the day that I'm perfect--which means never ;) It's just my own personal experiences and current beliefs, basically some 'food' for thought. And I realize that it's not always so easy for people to get their hands on natural, untampered with, organic foods. Especially without paying an arm and a leg for it.
(And I'm not there yet anyway, today I broke and had a bowl of Frosted Flakes and I gotta say taste wise? They are grreaattt, LOL!)


Hey good on him! I think there are non health reasons to adopt a vegetarian diet too
I think we raise like 60 billion chickens on the planet just to slaughter and eat them in a couple of months. I'm no tree hugging hippy, but that can't represent the moral epitome of humankind in the grand scheme of things. One day we'll probably look back and see it as one of those stupid irrational things they did in the past like duels and burning people at the stake. Would be nice if we threw war in there too, that's probably the dumbest of the lot and is taking forever to rid of.

Yeah, exactly. I didn't want to go into it too much, especially since that comment was monstrous LOL, but the meat industry is pretty damn barbaric. And I am totally with you-on not considering myself a tree hugging hippie LOL, but also thinking we should have evolved past war by now. Hopefully the age of crypto and blockchain will prove to be a huge step in the direction of ridding this place of the kind of greed that war is based on. And don't get me started on How in the hell are there still so many ignorant people who persist in race predjudice? It's ludicrous. We're all spirit beings wearing these meat suits like costumes, that's all they are, costumes of varying appearances. Nothing makes that more apparent to me than this site--I have more friends on here from other countries then I do the U.S., yet another reason I would love to see steemit catch on and become the premiere social media site, because it is the only one that is truly global.


well said, you should hang out with groot

what rhymes with peep?

hahaha. funny conversation :-)
Resteemed :-)

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