Space May Be The Final Frontier But It's Made In A Hollywood basement

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Space, Really?

Sheep are more free than humans. At least they need a shepherd and sheepdog to keep them in line, humans keep each other in line (David Icke). The title of the post is a song by Red Hot Chili Peppers - Lyrics. Do you listen to a good tune or do you hear the words?

I was always fascinated with space. I probably downloaded and watch hundreds of videos on satellites, our solar system and galaxies and could not get enough of space.

One day I came across Bart Sibrel's "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon" and I almost fell off my chair!

My world was science and up to that point everything I knew about the world had to fit into a neat equation, which is understandable in this world where our thoughts are hammered to fit someone else's idea.

I do not care so much for space any longer bacause I have decided that no one will dictate my thoughts anymore. I would rather ask questions like: how have we only recently discovered that due to a lack of mass in a galaxy and the speed at which it spins our equations (at that time) could not explain why the objects in that galaxy does not fly out into space away from its center (hitting my forehead with the palm of my hand)? How could this go unnoticed for so long in an era where almost all humanity's eyes are staring up at the skies! One of the simplest ways to test theory and no one bothered for so long to notice. Kind of like it was known and left for the day that someone brought it up.

Even more astonishing for me was the way they 'fixed' the problem. Dark energy and dark matter! Instead of rethinking the utter nonsense that was hammered into our heads from a small age they implemented fudge factors to make the theory fly.

I am done with just accepting theories because someone slapped the logo 'science' on it. Just as easily the science behind spinning bodies around the center of a galaxy was proven wrong at the time we should stick to simple explanations to prove theories. One of the best quotes, which I agree with, as seen below.

If an idea requires traction today they trow a few billion dollars at it. A perfect solution because who can disprove anything which you have spent a few billion on proving?

Now we teach our children that 95% of the universe consist of dark energy and dark matter. A substance/element/atom (whatever you want to call it) that cannot be observed or touched or sensed except for its effect on galaxies. How can we allow the ship of science to be steered into such nonsensical direction? Is there not more to science than one single groups idea? Is it perhaps that there is not a lot more to discover or maybe the thought that it will unmask what has been presented in the past.

I've asked an astronomer, via email, a question one day about rotation of bodies and their interaction with each other. Lets take the moon for an example. According to "science" it is moving away from earth at approximately 1 inch a year. If this has been going on for the past few million years then please explain to me how it is still in orbit around the earth. Because every inch further would mean it would move even faster and faster away from the earth until the gravitational pull would be to weak to keep it in orbit. His answer, not very eager to explain, is that it is complicated and that the ocean also have an effect on the moon which assist in keeping it in orbit. This was however not my question, which I have made clear and only used the earth and the moon as an example. I suspected that he did not have an answer but I did not continue questioning because after writing a good explanation his reply was not even two sentences. But any person with a bit of reason can think to himself how in the hell does something stay in orbit around any other body if all it takes is 1 inch of shift further away from each other to send the two bodies swirling away from each other (and if time is a problem "we all know" that the universe is "billions of years" old).

Once You're Awake


But on my journey of investigation I could not stop. I'm not even an American and did hours of research on the 9/11 attacks and the war on terror currently by the US.

When the subject was exhausted, and I was satisfied with my conclusion, I moved on to the next subject not sleeping for days on end. Next was medicine and our health and why so many people have cancer and woman having miscarriages and children having an increase in allergies and conditions never before witnessed at such a scale. The conclusion on this subject could probably be best summarized by the first rule on the Georgia Stones.
download (1).jpg

I realized by watching the video by Bart above how a group of people only focusing on a small part of a plan can easily miss the bigger picture. Truthsteam Media have good content to attempt to bring it all together and their words most relevant to science were as follows.

As a result our world has been skewed. Distorted like a fun house mirror.

The Video here
Science starting out at 17 minutes 50 seconds


What we see out there in space is truly amazing but for me it is more amazing to see the smile on your own child's face, to be blessed with a family, to sit around the fire with friends, to feel the wind through your hair and the smell of fresh rain in the summer. The green grass that comes after the rain and to watch the water flow in the stream. The things in life we have been taught are simple and is this perhaps the distraction?

The fact that we have all we need, and we just need to see it.


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Well said. @dpl. I think the key is to never stop questioning. I've gone down this rabbit hole too some years ago and even asked the hard questions of many who work for NASA. I never got a satisfactory answer. My best guess is the whole space game has just been a huge PsyOp game they've used to play the masses.

I would note the first rule of the Georgia Guide Stones,

"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

My guess was always Ted Turner had something to do with it's creation, given it's location being so close to where he started CNN and the many things I've herd him actually say publicly of world over population. Here's one video of him speaking of over population and how he believes it's the cause of so many of the world's problems. He says about 2 billion is about right.:

Ted Turner is one of the richest men in America and several years ago said to be the largest real estate holder there. It could explain such issues as the entire corrupt medical system designed to make money and not cure, toxic vaccines and food supply and maybe worst of all, the global geo engineering program that shifted into high gear around the world, especially under the Bush and Obama administrations.

After spending tons and tons of time researching this and so many relative things like 9-11, which was the biggest one for me, I've come many times back to the same simple conclusion as you, @dpl, of what's more important in life.

Did not know this about Ted Turner. Thanks for the share @positivesynergy

@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.

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