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RE: Giving smth back 8 and 9

in #life6 years ago (edited)

OH EM GEE! I love it. It's very me. You even got Monty's little chick and me in my wellies gathering my treasures.

I know I have been lax in my Monty/chick/quail posts, but will be sure to return to them. Especially since I can now use this in the posts (I think I can, that's cool right?)


yes what u want with it :) and im so glad you like it :)

I really love it. I am going to use it as a divider sometimes and maybe I'll make it my post footer for my posts about my animals/garden/etc. I have been lax sharing more than just my art, but we are coming into garden season and my latest batch of chicks are getting big, so there will be some over sharing of randomness on the horizon.

How we all influence one another is easily my FAVOURITE thing about this place.

ik what u mean absolutely....10 months ago I didnt even draw (if you count out some drawings for school decoration)...and now I have a tablet and picked up a bit of animation again etc...

Sometimes our passions find us in odd moments. You definitely have an eye and a skill. And most of all you have a style, which many artists spend their entire life trying to discover!

I would love to try animation. I have done some basically little multi cell gifs for fun but that was years ago and I am sure it is much easier now.

I got my first tablet (well the first one that I can draw on and see what I am drawing rather than drawing and looking at the screen) a few years back out of necessity. I couldn't find a good studio space when abroad and thought it'd be easier this way. I fell in love with it so fast. I am still amazed at the amount of tools and 'media' one has at their fingertips that they can just carry about with them, it's really like magic sometimes.

Keep up your characters, they are SO GOOD! And again, I am honored to have been a subject of one.

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